Lena Corazon

Flights of Fancy

ROW80: Super-short Update

Friends, I’ve had a day. I hit the ground running early this morning with some high-gear multitasking: grading my final set of papers for the week, washing out some clothes in the bathroom sink (cheaper and easier than hauling everything to the laundromat), doing the dishes, and furiously trying to clean up my apartment.  I leave tomorrow (today, really) for San Francisco, where my parents live, so packing and cleaning are essential.

After grading and handling my chores, I somehow found the time to work out, shower, dress, run errands, and then drive to campus for the end-of-the-year department potluck.  Afterwards I hung out for a couple of hours before going to my weekly reading group meeting, which ran over two hours, ending at 9:30.  Then it was back home to do more cleaning and pack.  I have way more than any sensible person will need for a 1 week stay, but given that it has been 55 degrees and raining in SF, I need to have winter and summer options available.  Whew.

At any rate, writing!  I feel like I’ve got whiplash from how fast this year seems to be speeding by; I’m not quite sure where May went, and here we are, half-way through the year!  What has astonished me is how much progress I’ve made with this novel in such a short period of time.  I began writing at the beginning of May, and it’s really taken shape over the past few weeks.  To illustrate:

Daily writing output

Wordcount graph

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I’ve done my best to add on a little bit each day since my last check-in, and I’ve found that writing first thing in the morning seems to work really well.  My mind is fresh, I’ve had a chance to “sleep on” the problems or challenges I may have run into the day before, and after a little tweaking here, and a bit of adding there, I end up reaching my daily word count goal without too much strain.

Once I’ve dealt with grading final papers and the like, I may bump up my daily goal to 500 words, since I’m surpassing 300 words so easily.  Now that my confidence has been built up a bit, I can make myself work a little harder.

I’m excited for my 5 hour drive tomorrow, since I’ll be able to let my mind wander.  I’ve got a pocket recorder downloaded on my cell phone so I can record any interesting writing ideas that come to mind.  In the days to come, I’m going to be focused on characterization.  My protagonist, Liandre, has just discovered that her whole life is a lie, and I want to make sure that her reaction to this news is realistic.  We’ll see how it goes!


  1. Bumping up your word count is a brave thing to do, but it sounds like you have the energy it takes, so go for it and good luck.

  2. Wow, that really was a day. 😀

    It sounds like you’ve got a hold on everything you’re doing, well done! I am inspired to do better now. 🙂

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