Lena Corazon

Flights of Fancy

ROW80: Hey, Ho, NaNoWriMo!

It’s been a wild and wacky few months in my life, with the shifts and changes that come along with transition periods. I’m still struggling to find a sense of balance, or at least a routine that can anchor me and give me a sense of stability. Even after two-and-a-half months at the day job, I find that I have little energy for exercise, blogging, research, or creative writing. Establishing the foundation of a routine is my goal for this final round of ROW80 for 2013.

Before I get to my ROW80 plan, a confession: One of the reasons why I’ve been so drained of time and energy is because I’ve been cramming random adventures and excursions into my day. In the last week, I saw both Stroke 9 (one of my favorite late-90s rock bands) and Sarah Brightman in concert, and  kinda-sorta met Veronica Roth, author of the DIVERGENT series, when she was in San Francisco on her book tour for ALLEGIANT. Oh, and I dressed up like a pirate, took a ride in 1953 Corvette, and started thinking about ideas for this year’s NaNoWriMo novel. Whee!

Photo highlights:



The author herself, striking a pose.

The author herself, striking a pose.


Sarah Brightman illuminated in a blaze of light, and her adoring fans.

Sarah Brightman illuminated in a blaze of light, and her adoring fans.


More on all these shenanigans to come, but in the meantime, here’s what I’d like to accomplish by the end of Round 3:

Round 3 Goals:


  • Work on the dissertation (that includes reading, note-taking, data analysis, and writing) at least 2 nights each week, and on Sundays.


  • 15-30 minutes of fun writing, 3-4 nights each week.


  • At least 20 minutes of physical activity, 2-3 times each week.

Compared to some of the goals I’ve had in the past, these look super simple… but given that I’ve failed on accomplishing any of these things in the last couple of months, I think it’ll be a challenge.

For fun, here’s the opening to my NaNoWriMo project, currently known as THE GILDED CAGE. It’s some sort of near-future dystopic… thing… and I’m going to be pantsing the hell out of it for the rest of the month.

It was a fiery sun that beat down on Greta’s back, or so it seemed. After a lifetime in the smog-dimmed skies of the cities, the unimpeded light of the north was more than she could handle. Here, in the only corner of the world not destroyed by machinery and war, the sun released its full wrath, all molten gold and demanding.

Where is it all going? I have NO idea, and that’s half the fun. 😀

Be sure to wave a hearty hello to the rest of the ROW80 bunch this week!

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  1. Yay, Lena!!! You’ve inspired me to get my crap together and check-in on Sunday <3 Love the new look of the site too. Your goals are great…I think simple is good if it's what you need. It's what I need right now too! Have a wonderful week and hope you cram in more adventures!
    Lauren Garafalo recently posted..Kiss Me, Kill Me: Coldness of Marek by Rachel O’LaughlinMy Profile

    • Thanks so much, friend! Simple seems to be the name of the game, and I am grateful, I think. The rest of my life is just so darn frazzled and crazy that it’s nice to be able to feel accomplished after doing something small (but important!). Hope you have a good week!

  2. Hey Lena ! Sometimes it’s fun to take a ride when you don’t know exactly where it’s going! Hold on tight and enjoy! You always seem to make great lemonade!
    Patricia Sands recently posted..Celebrating others ~ a cover reveal and a new release!My Profile

  3. Hi, Lena. It’s good to know you are back after what I call a period of rest and rejuvenation somewhat, which was vital. Your new goals are rosy.And I know you have got what it takes to achieve them.Keep writing, analysing and exercising.You will be glad you did.I wish I could have that sense of balance too. By your post, you have encouraged me too, and have limbered me up.

  4. You needed time off. That’s okay. Sometimes that’s the only way to get the world into perspective.

    A new job, a boyfriend, a degree in the balance… You have a lot of irons in the fire. Maybe all of these outings are your way of fanning the flames? Just think about all the cool things you will give your stories when you start writing them again.
    Eden Mabee recently posted..Damp Linens — a WIPpet/ROW80 postMy Profile

    • All great points, Eden! And yeah, you’re right, I’ve definitely racked up a ton of awesome and interesting experiences to add to my stories. I’m looking forward to a chill-out period, though. I think it’s time to start getting back to words. 😀

      Have a wonderful week!

  5. Hey Lena – wow, you’re having fun and getting stuff done. Good for you. Have a great week. X
    Shah Wharton recently posted..Updates & Insecurities. #IWSG, #ROW80, #GRAMMOWRIMOMy Profile

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