Lena Corazon

Flights of Fancy

ROW80: Have You Ever Heard an Alpaca Whine?

Happy Sunday, folks! I’ve successfully completed my first week of work as the front counter assistant at my local Boys and Girls Club, and now I’m ready for a little silliness. What could be better than a visit with some awesomely fuzzy animals at the petting zoo?

There were chickens, rabbits, sheep, goats, and (my favorites) a pig, tortoise, and alpaca. I may have been more excited than all of the kids who were gathered there. 😛

Oliver, the cutest pig ever. (Photo Credit: Lena Corazon)

Oliver, the cutest pig ever. (Photo Credit: Lena Corazon)

This baby goat was head-butting Oliver, the precious pig.

This baby goat was head-butting Oliver, the precious pig. (Photo Credit: Lena Corazon)


Baby, the alpaca who wouldn’t stop whining. (Photo Credit: Lena Corazon)

The alpaca pictured above had the strangest tendency to whine incessantly. It was such an uncanny noise that I had to take some video footage.

Isn’t it the cutest thing ever?

This week’s progress:

Day Job: I was a little stressed out about starting work this week, so I gave myself the week off from all dissertation-related activities. Starting tomorrow, though, I’ll be tackling the edits to my academic journal article, which are due on Friday.

Writing: I also decided to take a little time off here, as well. #teamsprinty is adding an evening writing sprint (7 pm Pacific/10 pm Eastern), so I’m going to be taking advantage of that in the week to come. My goal is to edit the next 2 chapters of TMNL, to get back on track.

Social Media: I used my mornings before work this week to work on blog posts (I know–even I’m shocked). I’ve got one queued up for tomorrow about the aerial scavenger hunt I took to an old WWII training camp, and an awesome video clip for Friday. I’ve also discovered the wonders of the WordPress app for iPhone, which makes commenting on blogs way easier.

So that’s about all for me right now! I’m looking forward to inching back into the world of blogging, digging into my research again, and making some progress with edits.

How’s the week going for everyone else? Don’t forget to say wave your pompoms for the rest of the ROW80 community!

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  1. Congrats on surviving that first week of work and on getting some writing done in spite of adjusting to that new schedule. Yes, I have heard alpacas whine. Did you know they can hiss and spit? Your pictures are fun to look at. I hope the week brings you a poem!
    Beth Camp recently posted..Happy dance . . . Happy dance . . .My Profile

  2. Hey Lena. Congrats on getting through your first week. I hope you’ve made friends and settled in. I’m sure you have, though. 🙂 As an increasingly introverted woman, I find meeting knew people almost devastating. I commend you.

    And oh my, how cute is the whine, although our dog whines all the time and drives me bonkas! 🙂

    Best of luck for the week ahead.

    Shah X

    Shah Wharton recently posted..Writers Should Be Bathed In Blue: Boosting Productivity #amwriting #ameditingMy Profile

  3. Love your multi-media check-in. Congrats on the new job. Hope it goes well. And hope all goes well in the weeks to come as you get back into writing, editing, and researching. Have a good one!
    Steph recently posted..15-Minute Upper Body WorkoutMy Profile

  4. Congratulations on the new job! Thanks for sharing the llama’s whining. Hilarious! 🙂
    Diana Beebe recently posted..Hideaway BluesMy Profile

  5. So cuuuuuute! I did not know alpacas whine! Which surprises me, because they’re one of my daughter’s favorite animals. Sending her this video! Your new turtle header is so cute, too!
    Jennette Marie Powell recently posted..How to Take Over the World (and Make Women Hate Chocolate!)My Profile

  6. The poor thing is probably missing its mother or overwhelmed by too many people… or both. It is just a baby, after all.

    As for the updates–looks like you’ve been making a lot of progress there. Awesome sauce!!!
    Eden Mabee recently posted..Passwords — a WIPpet/ROW80 postMy Profile

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