Lena Corazon

Flights of Fancy

ROW80: Rollin’ Along

Happy Sunday, folks! Time is really flying; I’m not quite sure how we’re in the second half of July, but here we are. My week has been busy with a mix of really fun stuff and some work. The fun stuff included a jazz concert on Sunday, and the world’s most epic 1920s theme party, both held at the Filoli estate about 20 miles south of San Francisco. Filoli is basically California’s answer to Pemberley, and whoa, I definitely felt like Elizabeth Bennet as I wandered around the property. I’ve got a whole post planned about Filoli, but here are a couple of photos, just as a preview.


The front of Filoli house. If it looks familiar, that’s because it served as the Carrington mansion in the television show, Dynasty.

One of the smaller buildings nestled in Filoli's extensive gardens.

One of the smaller buildings nestled in Filoli’s extensive gardens.

Gorgeous, huh?

If things look a little different around here, it’s not your imagination. I’m experimenting with different designs and themes at the moment, so if you’ve got any feedback, I’d love to hear it.

Anyway, onto this week’s progress!

Okay, I haven’t been very successful here at all. I’ve done a little brainstorming about how I want to expand my dissertation proposal, but very little (and by little I mean “none”) actual writing has been done.

To do this week: Buckle down and finish editing the proposal.

I’m way behind on my Camp NaNo goals, to the point where I’m actually starting to think that completing my goal of 15k on SOMEWHERE IN THE WEST is going to be an optional. The story is an exciting one, but TELL ME NO LIES has managed to snag my attention.

I’ve edited 2 chapters for TMNL, and outlined the next 10 chapters, taking me about half-way into Act 2. I’ve drafted most of these scenes, so all I’ve got to do is expand, clean up, and edit. I’m actually really darn excited to dig into these scenes, because the novel is finally taking shape. Whoo-hoo!

To do this week: Edit at least 2 more chapters; maybe write a little something for SOMEWHERE IN THE WEST.

This week I managed to add a “real” post, a silly commercial starring Hugh Jackman for Lipton Iced Tea. If you haven’t seen it, you can find it here. As I mentioned above, I’m also working on an overhaul of my blog, starting with a new theme. And as far as blog-hopping goes, I got a chance to visit 10 ROWers this week. Yay!

To do this week: Writing my post about Filoli House, and visiting some non-ROW blogs.

How’s everyone else doing? Any fun summer adventures afoot? Don’t forget to check in with everyone who is ROWing along this round!

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  1. While you may not have met all goals (there are people who do?) I have to say I am super-excited to hear you are moving Tell Me No Lies forward. Especially given that I’ve had a bit of a preview.

    As for the site: I love, and I do mean love, your banner. Awesomesauce! The mouse-activated social media buttons are sweetness as well. On the other side though, the full page text is a bit more difficult to digest than the columned view provides, but that could just be do to the size of my monitor screen.

    Have a fantastic week, Lena. *smile*
    Gene Lempp recently posted..Rowing in a KaleidoscopeMy Profile

  2. I really like the new site design! Very clean and easy to navigate. I can relate to dealing with two projects, writing-wise. But judging from your post title, I think you have the right idea to just roll with whichever one speaks to you at the moment! Good luck getting something more concrete down on whatever project (plus day job!), and have a great week!
    Jennette Marie Powell recently posted..Sometimes Thinking is Work, and AntagonistsMy Profile

  3. don’t know the guy but really enjoyed the advert:) all the best for coming week:)
    alberta recently posted..Where is my grey going? alberta’s check inMy Profile

  4. Lena, I’m ashamed to say I’ve never visited before today, but your blog layout is exquisite! I also love the photographs. Thank you!

  5. Lena, I love the new digs! Really beautiful!
    Diana Beebe recently posted..Vacation Turned Me Into a Different Person or It’s the End of the WorldMy Profile

  6. Some stories just manage to hijack our minds, don’t they? I was working on book 2 to my first novel when book one of my Young Adult series forced it’s way in. Now which book 2 do I write first? EEK!

    Gorgeous photos. Wishing you all the best with your proposal.
    Tia Bach recently posted..Summer is Sizzling: Giveaway Details & ROW80 UpdateMy Profile

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