Lena Corazon

Flights of Fancy

Revisiting the Music of Tell Me No Lies

voicesToday’s post is brought to you by the voices in my head. Yes, my characters not only try to dictate my storylines and plots, but now they are conspiring to stage a coup and take over my blog posts as well. 🙂 Because Tempest Dumont, the main character of my steampunk WIP, TELL ME NO LIES, has demanded it, I’m going to talk about the music behind the story.

For anyone who’s unaware, TELL ME NO LIES is my crazy steampunk romance murder-myster, set in 1890s San Francisco (the Barbary Coast, to be specific). Tempest is a popular saloon singer who finds herself targeted by a mysterious serial killer who is bent on murdering those scandalous “ladies of the stage,” Jack-the-Ripper-style. The police refuse to believe that the murders are connected, and so she sets off on a one-woman crusade to find the killer and bring him to justice. Along the way, she receives the help of Adam Davenport, the one detective who believes her claims and wants to see justice served. The two of them are like oil and water, and they struggle to set aside their differences (and ignore the growing of attraction between them) to solve the murders.

Tempest is one of those characters who just won’t shut up. She’s incredibly different from my other main characters — loud, brassy, and cynical. She had a rough upbringing, ran away from home when she was 15, and ended up falling in love with a ne’er-do-well airship pirate who eventually broke her heart and tried to frame her for one of his crimes. Now she thinks that she’s heartless and incapable of love… but she just might be wrong.

The playlist has a distinct folk/country feel to it. Even though the tale takes place at the end of the 19th century when San Francisco has become refined and urban, there’s this residual “wild west” vibe that I can’t quite shake.

The first song that I’ll share with you is “Tennessee” by Gillian Welch (Lyrics). In so many ways, this is the definitive Tempest song, just from the first verse alone:

I kissed you ‘cause I’ve never been an angel
I learned to say hosannas on my knees
But they threw me out of Sunday school when I was 9
And the sisters said I did just as I pleased
Even so, I tried to be a good girl
It’s only what I want that makes me weak
I had no desire to be a child of sin
Then you went and pressed your whiskers to my cheek.

That scandalous, whiskered man? Gillian Welch is of course referring to Jack Davenport, the rakish airship pirate who broke Tempest’s heart and double-crossed her. In all seriousness, however, I love Gillian’s voice, and I am sorta convinced that this song was written for Tempest. It’s the perfect theme.

The second song is “Barton Hollow” by The Civil Wars (Lyrics).

Tempest is the sort of gal who doesn’t really believe in redemption, and who carries around a lot of baggage when it comes to dealing with her past. The chorus resonates with all those themes:

Ain’t going back to Barton Hollow
Devil’s gonna follow me ‘ever I go
Won’t do me no good, washing in the river
Can’t no preacherman save my soul

The final song isn’t folk or country, but pop — Pink’s “Glitter in the Air” (Lyrics).The entire album, Funhouse, is on the playlist, but this song is my favorite. Incidentally, I’m convinced that this may be the best awards show performance I’ve ever seen. Pink kills it here:

I love this song to the marrow of my bones. It is achingly beautiful, and the last lines of the song move me to tears sometimes:

Have you ever wished for an endless night?
Lassoed the moon and the stars and hold that rope tight
Have you ever held your breath and asked yourself
Will it ever get better than tonight?

This the song that plays in my head whenever I think of Tempest and Adam’s romance. They’re two souls who have been scarred, who are a bit bruised and broken, yet somehow fight their fears and allow themselves to be vulnerable to one another.

So there you have it, the music of TELL ME NO LIES. It’s not a definitive list by any means — I’ve provided that below, courtesy of Spotify — but I think these three songs capture the overall vibe of the novel. Just listening to them makes me want to drop everything and start working on it again — or maybe that’s just Tempest talking. 😉

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  1. Those characters are so bossy and hard to get moved along, aren’t they? I also use playlists to summon the Muse and make the words flow (and to distract the characters so I can write. LOL). Fun blog post!
    Pauline Baird Jones recently posted..googlecd20eb13f78687f0My Profile

  2. Ooh Lena, oh how I love your play list! But then again, I love to listen to Pink. And I have to agree. That was a fabulous performance. So glad your characters are talkin’ to ya girl. How exciting that your story is making headway. Keep it up Lena! Just keep writing! See you in less than a week! Yay! 🙂

  3. Gah! I’m in LOVE with your playlist. I find it amazing how several people can use the same music to inspire totally different stories!
    Lauren Garafalo recently posted..Scattered Still, But GoodMy Profile

  4. A great trio there… I love Pink–and now I have two other groups to enjoy on occasion too.

    I’m glad you explained the “wild west” feel in here. I’d noted that with some confusion in your short piece, though it did remind me somewhat of a (steampunk-definitely) Doctor Who book I read a few years back: The Ressurection Casket. Not great literature by any means, but a fun romp. You might enjoy it, and the feel struck me as similar, though of course less romantic, than the tale you’re telling.

  5. I love hearing the songs behind stories! Great list here Lena 🙂 I have to say, I am more and more intrigued with this story with each bit you share.
    Raelyn Barclay recently posted..Meet the Cards: Nine of AirMy Profile

  6. Wow, your story sounds like a brilliant mashup of genres. Can’t wait to read it. And I love the playlist and featured songs. I’m not a country lover but I really enjoyed these two songs. And Pink rocks.
    Reetta Raitanen recently posted..Link Feast For Writers, vol. 43My Profile

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