Lena Corazon

Flights of Fancy

Embracing the Dangerous Weird


Nothing says “quirky” like running around with a lampshade crown.

In October, I participated in a wonderful poetry celebration known as OctPoWriMo. One of our early prompts was to write a poem inspired by the word “eccentric.” The creative process remains a mysterious one to me (and probably always will), but through whatever machinations of imagination and muse, “The Dangerous Weird” is the poem that emerged.

I wrote it thinking of all the wonderful people I know in my life who have weathered the storm of being seen as different, odd, less-than-normal. It’s a celebration of that amazing, dangerous weird within all of us, something I think that my online community of creative folk can appreciate.

This community is one that inspires me and encourages me towards all sorts of mischief, like rambling about my love of Hugh Jackman and sloths, or dancing around on tabletops with a lampshade on my head (as seen at the last #myWANA Twitter party). The chance to be fully myself, knowing that I’ll be accepted, is an incredibly rare one, and one for which I am truly grateful.

So this one’s for you, gang. Enjoy!

“The Dangerous Weird”

i am eccentric
because color tastes of
because history is
          my dwelling place

i was a child with a calligraphy pen
     my mother's borrowed
     a collection of teapots
a girl enchanted
          by amulets
imagined elven revelries
worlds that exist only in my head

acne-cursed chubby sally-jesse-raphael-bespectacled awkward child
     too smart
          too ambitious
     teased and tormented for the dangerous
     (because idiot child bullies can't pronounce "eccentric"
          and don't trust the abnormal)

but i am a forward-thinking girl
          despite the obsession with dusty antiques
adulthood was my ticket to survival
and i
     honed and polished my weird
          shined it up like the best silver serving set
     to put on display for
          rare souls
    that understood
          (password: "kindred spirit")

today i find the peculiar ones 
          grownup off-beat children 
     catch them running through the rye 
together we make a mountain of 
a paradise of 
to us, the song of color 
          the taste of word 
     is to be savored 
time is neither linear nor measurable 
and the world 
     our playground 
eccentrics one and all


  1. I’ve always admired people who can write poetry. I, sadly, am not one, LOL. Awesome poem Lena! I relate to so many of your statements. Thanks for sharing that.
    Raelyn Barclay recently posted..Week 1 of #ROW80 DownMy Profile

    • Raelyn, thank you! It’s been such a pleasure for me to learn that there are so many other people in the world who can relate to these sentiments. I’d say people like us definitely make the world a more interesting place. 😀

  2. I’ve always admired people who can write poetry too 🙂

    And wow! You could be an audiobook narrator!
    Marcy Kennedy recently posted..Should We Bother Making Resolutions?My Profile

    • Thanks, Marcy! And I admit, narrating my own audiobooks, or doing some sort of voiceover work, has been one of my dreams for ages now. Maybe eventually I will be able to make it happen. 😀

  3. Love this! And yes, I can soooo relate. 🙂

    You sound just like I imagined! And a lovely reading, too.
    Jennette Marie Powell recently posted..You’d forget your head if it wasn’t attachedMy Profile

  4. I love your poem! And I love your video! Way to take an assignment or a challenge and totally nail it!

    You have beautiful eyes and you are adorable with that lamp shade crown.

    Patricia Rickrode
    w/a Jansen Schmidt
    Patricia recently posted..To Infinity and Beyond!My Profile

  5. Oh, wow! Such an awesome, brilliant poem! I’m also of the weird and quirky clan, so we must be kindred spirits. My log line is: Random Acts of Weirdness! I’m so glad you read your poem in a vlog! It’s wonderful to hear your voice. Go, Lena! Woot! Woot!
    Lynn Kelley recently posted..Am RechargingMy Profile

  6. Lena! Beautiful! The poem, the delivery and your gorgeous blue eyes. I see (… hear?) audiobooks in your future. Thanks for the gift.

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