Lena Corazon

Flights of Fancy

ROW80: Some Belated December Goals

Erm… It’s December. Has anyone noticed that? And it’s not just December, but practically mid-December…

I suppose I shouldn’t be completely shocked, but I feel like it was just yesterday I crossed the 50k finish line for NaNoWriMo (a day early, I might add), and got this lovely shiny badge to affix to every possible surface online and off display proudly.

And now it’s holiday season! Decorations are going up around town, the local radio station is playing festive carols, and I am staying far, far away from all shopping centers, because mall parking lots during December must be a tenth circle of hell that Dante forgot to write about. However, I have been playing this video clip non-stop for the last few days, and it is giving me all the feels. Mariah Carey, Jimmy Fallon, the Roots, and a bunch of random little kids? Perfection.

Now that NaNo is through, and December is most definitely here, I figure it’s time for some amended goals for the remainder of this round of ROW80. Here’s what I have on the list…

  • Revise and submit my 25-page dissertation proposal to my committee by the end of December. The “official” proposal will be done by mid-January, and I will hopefully be able to amend that for a grant proposal due mid-February. This week’s mini-goal: Continue archive research, read sociological journal articles, start hammering out guiding dissertation questions and a theoretical framework.
  • Suspend fiction-writing till 2013, when the “Year of Edits” will begin in earnest. Aim for writing at least 3 poems each week, just to keep those skills sharp. This week’s mini-goal: Revise 1 poem, write 2 more. 
  • Use my daily sprints over at the #ROW80 hashtag (11 am Pacific Time) for generating blog content, including posts for December and some for January. This week’s mini-goal: Complete 3 blog posts, not counting ROW80 check-ins. 

There are still a million other thing I need to be doing–Twitter and Facebook? Reading other people’s blogs? Commenting on those blogs? Remembering to wash my hair?–but these are my biggest priorities at the moment. It’s all about baby steps, right?

How many of you have decided to alter your goals to accomodate the holiday season? 


  1. Well hair washing’s not all it’s cracked up to be, so I’d knock that one down a notch or two on the list. That’s why someone clever created hats and ponytail scrunchies.

    At least you have goals. I’m still trying to finish my July home improvement projects. Some day I’ll get caught up.

    Patricia Rickrode
    w/a Jansen Schmidt
    Patricia recently posted..12/12/12 and Beyond!!!My Profile

  2. personal hygiene isn’t all that necessary – not when writing and blogging and social media is involved. LOL good luck and congrats on NANO

  3. The holidays kicked my butt last year when it came to writing. I remembered that this year (score for me!) and set my ROW80 goals accordingly this quarter – and already met them! I also managed to avoid the pitfall of setting goals where any part of them hinged on someone else – releasing a book, for example, depends on the editor being able to get to it in time. So I limited my goal to getting said book *to* the editor. Good luck with yours!
    Jennette Marie Powell recently posted..Misfit Monday: When Facebook SucksMy Profile

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