Lena Corazon

Flights of Fancy

ROW80: Is It Me, or Are We Living in Warp-Speed?

What do frogs have to do with anything? Not much, I just like the picture. ๐Ÿ˜›

Whoa there, folks, it’s apparently hump day already. I’m not quite sure how that happened; last I checked, it was Saturday night and I was making tentative plans for the upcoming week. Hmph.

With that said, it’s time for the mid-week ROW80 check-in! Now that we’re almost 3 weeks into the round, I am happy to say that I think I am coming up with a better system for getting things done.

I am a great lover of structure, so I sat down today and hammered out a general schedule for my day-to-day life. The result is flexible, but will allow me to tackle my major priorities–the day job and my creative work– every day.

Here’s a short update on how things are going so far:

Day Job:ย I’ve set aside 2 hours each day as Sacred Dissertation Time. Starting next week, Tuesdays-Thursdays will be spent digging around in archives, so Mondays and Fridays will be devoted to writing up research memos and revising my proposal.

Writing:ย I’ve also decided that I need to have my 1 hour #teamsprinty happytimes each day, so I’ve set up the schedule to keep 11 am-12 pm free. This is aย really good thing, as I’ve missed most sprints for the last few months, and it always leaves me feeling a little off-balance.

Brainstorming for NaNoWriMo is theย only priority as far as writing is concerned. Right now I’m hammering out backstory and character biographies, keeping an eye open for any flashes of inspiration for that elusive middle. Overall, I’m trying to trust the process, and to know that my muse, despite her fickleness, will bring me a feast of ideas when I least expect it.

Exercise:ย The walking schedule has been amended to 5 miles/day, Sunday-Tuesday and Friday. I’ll try to supplement with Pilates or something on Thursdays, but as far as I am concerned, that’sย more than enough exercise for me. ๐Ÿ˜›

One of the many wildlife sightings on the morning walk.

Social Media:ย Okay, I dusted off Google Reader the other day and opened it… and almost passed out from the sight of my 1000+ unread blog posts. However, I still think that using the RSS reader is the best way for me to keep up with blog posts at my own pace, rather than trying to constantly catch up with Facebook and Twitter feeds.

Here on Flights of Fancy, I continued with my poetry celebration series with a piece on self-proclaimed “black, lesbian, mother, warrior, poet,” Audre Lorde. It’s a post that I’m proud of, one that I’ve dedicated to “those who have ever been afraid to speak,” as it addresses Lorde’s work on fear, silence, and the importance of speaking one’s truth.

Self-Care:ย One of the things that I’ve been reminded over the last couple of weeks is that I have a very, very hard time putting my needs over the needs of others. Part of impetus for creating a daily schedule is rooted in ensuring that I take the time each day to take care of myself first. That includes tackling my responsibilities, along with having time for naps, journaling, and relaxation. Setting up those boundaries and preserving time for myself will, I hope, keep me from getting too run-down and burnt out.


Has anyone else been refining or reevaluating their goals? Let me know in the comments, and don’t forget to check in with the other ROWers this week.


  1. Great goals. Good luck for the coming week.
    I agree with setting aside some time just for you. I really need to do something similar.
    Laura recently posted..ROW 80 โ€“ Wednesday 17th October 2012My Profile

    • Thanks so much, Laura! And I really do encourage you to set aside a little alone time–even 15 minutes makes all the difference in the world.

      Hope your week went well!

  2. Love the cute critter pics! I think reserving a set amount of time for your writing and another set time for your academic work is a great idea! I might have to try that myself, as I find my own NaNo brainstorming keeps getting pushed back – and if that keeps up, I won’t be doing NaNo. Have a great rest of the week!
    Jennette Marie Powell recently posted..WANA Wednesday: Fun Reads for the Young and Young-at-heart, plus ROW80 updateMy Profile

    • Separating out work time and, er, work-and-play time is really essential, I am realizing. And I know what you mean about the NaNo brainstorming getting pushed back–one of my WIPs decided it would like all of my attention, and now I’m going to have to hustle to get back to the NaNo tale.

      Thanks for stopping by, Jen!

  3. Sounds good, Lena! Keep it up! And yeah, updates creep up on me much too fast too, which is why I often only do once a week.

    BTW, do you want to participate in the Next Big Thing blog hop? See my blog for details and let me know!

    • Hey, Ruth, thanks for stopping by! I cut back to once a week check-ins for a couple of rounds, but I decided to try the 2x/week check-in. I’m hoping it’ll keep me more on top of things. ๐Ÿ˜›

  4. You have a plan. Now get out there and do stuff!

    Cool picture of the deer. I love spotting wildlife when I’m convening with nature.

    Patricia Rickrode
    w/a Jansen Schmidt
    Patricia recently posted..โ€œIโ€™m Watching That!โ€My Profile

  5. BTW, do you want to be tagged in the blog hop, The Next Big Thing? Leave me a comment on my blog if you do!
    Ruth Nestvold recently posted..โ€œThe Next Big Thing,โ€ upcoming freebies, and hiatus announcementMy Profile

  6. You have fantastic goals and I feel guilty seeing how well organised you are, and how much exercise you do! You rock. I so need to get some planning done for NaNo. It’s creeping up so quirky!
    Shah Wharton recently posted..Succubus Book Tour! (Double Feature) Review, Character Interview, Give Away & ExcerptMy Profile

    • Shah, thank you! The exercise is definitely something I’m really proud of, but it helps that I have my mom on hand to get me out of bed and on the trail.

      Good luck with your NaNo planning! I can’t wait to get started. ๐Ÿ˜€

  7. I’m so with you on the my needs over others predicament. I can’t say No. It’s a real problem that I hope NaNo will cure. I won’t be able to keep up with my constant saving-other-people status and successfully finish NaNo. I’m hoping if I can do it for one month, I can learn how to do it better in general. Let’s hope anyway.

    Hope the NaNo brainstorming goes well. Wishing you all the best.
    Tia Bach recently posted..Chocolate Fixes: ROW80 UpdateMy Profile

    • Ah, yes, the constant saving-other-people status. I am well acquainted with that. ๐Ÿ˜› But good for you for trying to set some boundaries so you can participate in NaNo next month. I think those habits will carry through in the long term.

      Thanks so much for stopping by, Tia!

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