Lena Corazon

Flights of Fancy

ROW80: Fleet Week and Fairs and Other Exciting Things

I think it’s official: this past few days is the most relaxed I’ve felt in weeks, if not months (maybe years?). After the cray-cray summer, and the even crazier school year, it is such a relief.

The Blue Angels, instagram-style.

I write this post in the midst of one very exciting weekend in San Francisco where it seems like every event in the world has descended upon us: a Madonna concert, two baseball teams (the SF Giants and Oakland A’s) in the playoffs, a football game, Fleet Week, the annual Columbus Day festival, the 2-day “Hardly Strictly Bluegrass” concert… the list (found here, for anyone curious) goes on. I’ve spent the last two days ooohing and aaahing over the US Navy Blue Angels air show (and, er, ogling men in uniform), and in a few hours I’m off to the Castro Street fair, held in the city’s historic LGBT neighborhood.

The Blue Angels flying over the SF Ferry Building

Needless to say, I haven’t gotten much done as far as goals are concerned. Here’s how things have played out since Wednesday:

Day Job: I’m back in the archive, spending 3 hours/week digging through the Sisters of the Presentation’s old 19th century documents. Given that their convent was all but destroyed in the 1906 earthquake and fire, it’s astonishing to see all of the material that has survived. I’ve made my way through the order’s “Book of Customs” (a guide to expected conduct and deportment for the sisters of the community), and another “Guide to Religious Practice”–all very interesting, given my background in prescriptive literature (the topic for my MA).

Haven’t touched that big list of “things to-do by Sunday” that I posted in my last update, so that’ll be my big to-do for next check-in.

Writing: Managed to write 6 out of 7 poems for #OctPoWriMo, and may dash off an extra one at some point so I can meet my goal of 31 poems in 31 days. A number of surprising things have emerged from my pen this week, but there are two that stand out: “Recalled to Life,” where I’ve finally managed to describe the creative drought caused by grad school, and “The Dangerous Weird,” which celebrates all the wacky, weird, and wonderful people in my life.

Exercise: Fell a little short overall–walked 4 days this week, though the last day was only for 1 mile because I wasn’t feeling too well. The total mile count for the week: 13.

Social Media: I fell a little short here as well (I haven’t actually been in front of a computer for too long in the last few days), but hopefully the week to come will be a little more stable.

Self-Care: I haven’t been in front of a computer, but I’ve had a lot of journaling time. I’ve been dealing with some old hurts and demons, and realizing that they’re not as painful as I thought they once were. Putting them to rest and moving forward is my big goal right now.


And that’s the long and short of it! I will say that I am grateful to be enjoying some very fine autumnal weather (October is SF’s warmest month of the year), but I am more grateful that the insane temperatures of 90 degrees and up, which we saw at the start of the week, have dissipated. I think Napoleon is happy as well. He wasn’t too thrilled with the heat, as is plainly clear:

Not a fan of the heat.

Hope everyone’s had a great first week! Don’t forget to wave hello to the other ROW80 participants here.

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  1. Oooo, sounds like you’re having a great weekend!
    Besides all, you made great progress! You’ll catch up with the poems, I’m sure, and walking 4 days is better than walking none 😉
    Have a great week!

  2. San Francisco sounds like so much fun; and men in uniform..yum! 🙂 6 poems, 13 miles, journaling, work stuff, having a life…that all sounds like awesome progress to me! Have a great rest of your Sunday and good luck this week!

  3. When we’re not feeling well, we need to cut ourselves some slack, especially when it comes to exercise – you did great just to get out! And wow, what a week! We all need to just have fun and relax sometimes, too. I’m betting it will leave you recharged to jump in and make some major headway on those goals – have a great week!

    • Great point, Jennette! I’m definitely trying to pay attention to my body’s ebb and flow in energy levels, and to learn that there is no harm in letting myself recharge for a day or two.

      Thanks so much for stopping by!

  4. Love the Blue Angels. Haven’t gotten to see them in a few years so I’ll have to look and see when they are coming to Chicago next.
    You are making great progress, even if it isn’t always what you aimed for. The point is progress and you’re doing that and having fun as you do: Can it get any better?
    Have an excellent week, Lena 🙂

    • Gene – Chicago, eh?

      Sometime, I need to write the story of how Jim and I got separated driving two vehicles through rush-hour Chicago traffic, and didn’t reconnect until Erie, PA, about 36 hours later….scary.

    • Gene, you are always awesome for helping me to put things into perspective. You’re right–it’s all progress, and it is moving me forward.

      Hope you’re having a great week as well!

  5. Lena –

    San Francisco was one of the stops Jim and I made on our “long honeymoon” (we had a quick 2 days in Niagara Falls after our wedding), when we wandered our way from the Grand Canyon to Eugene, Oregon.

    We walked Fisherman’s Wharf, went to the Aquarium and the Ghiradelli shop, bought a pearl out of an oyster, rode the trolleys, and went to Haight-Ashbury, where someone called 33 year old Jim, “Pops”, and we were several times offered “green bud” right around the corner from a police officer…

    Both kids have had times of fascination with your city…and I love the archival work you are doing.

    You seem to have found a really good balance between enjoying special events while you can, and writing. All that cool and beauty will undoubtedly inspire yo uto create some of your very own!

    Thanks for sharing this wonderful stretch of days with all of us! =D

    • Shan, this sounds like you had an amazing “long honeymoon,” with all of my favorite things about SF. (I’m still laughing about the “green bud” right near the police officer–I don’t think too much has changed!)

      Thank you so much for reading, commenting, and sharing your story!

  6. Love the kitty photo! Sounds like an exciting week, especially the research among all those old documents.

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