Lena Corazon

Flights of Fancy

ROW80: Respite, Interrupted

In my last update I celebrated the vanquishing of my to-do list, and declared my plan to be completely sloth-like and lazy for the rest of September. That goal was thrown off by paper edits, unexpected social time, and a few emotional twists and turns (nothing terrible, just draining), but I did get a chance to just unwind Friday night and all day Saturday. I snagged a copy of season 1 of CSI from Target for ten bucks, and have been happily binging on all my favorite episodes, not to mention reliving my old high school fantasies of becoming a forensic profiler. 😛

Better yet, I finished season 3 of Supernatural, read CC MacKenzie’s steamy and delicious RECKLESS NIGHTS IN ROME, finished Lindsay Buroker’s latest novel in the Emperor’s Edge Universe, BLOOD AND BETRAYAL, and am half-way through Lois McMaster Bujold‘s THE HALLOWED HUNT, the third book in her Chalion series. There is nothing like reading and devouring fun television shows to restore my peace of mind.

Here’s how the rest of the week has gone:

Day Job: Edits to my papers have been completed, the mini-proposal for my “little conversation” has been sent off to my committee, and I have all of my paperwork in order (I hope). Once Monday’s meeting is through, I have a list of books I’d like to read for research purposes, but I plan on waiting until I’ve put a decent dent in my Kindle TBR list.

Writing: Managed about 3k or so in the last few days, but nothing approaching Fast Draft status. Little bitty ideas for edits to my CampNaNo novel have been swirling around as well, though I haven’t really had a chance to do much about them. I’m postponing most writing-related things to next week, or maybe the week after, as I have house guests slated to arrive next weekend.

Exercise: Mom and I walked 4 days this week, for a total of 19 miles. I think this is the first time I’ve managed to make my exercise goal since this round started, so whoo!

Social Media: The latter half of the week has been pretty quiet in terms of Facebook and Twitter, though I have been trying to visit 2 or 3 blogs each day.

Even though I’ve only had a couple of days to relax, I feel vastly improved. Sunday and Monday are going to be somewhat taxing, between the drive down to Santa Barbara and my “little conversation,” but all of these things are pretty minor compared to the last couple of months worth of work (and stress, and anxiety, and all those other yucky things).

How’s the end of the round treating everyone else? Have you managed to accomplish all of your goals, or will you be deferring a few to the next round? Don’t forget to pop by and catch up with everyone else.
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  1. Lena, it sounds like you’re taking really good care of yourself. I’m proud of you and WOOT! That dissertation is just about behind you. I hope you’re dancing around your house in between books. You deserve plenty of celebration!!!

    • Thanks, lady! There are definite plans afoot for some merry-making with my friends. We’ve all got a few things to celebrate, so I think there will be lots of fun times to go around over the next couple of weeks.

      So good to see you! Hope you have a great week. 😀

  2. My goal for today is to read Lindsay Buroker’s Emperor’s Edge 🙂 It seems you’re finishing this round in good spirits, that’s great! Hope you have a good week!

    • Oooh, I’m so excited that you’re reading Emperor’s Edge! It’s definitely one of my favorite series ever, so I’d love to hear what you think of it.

      Thanks for stopping by, EM. Have a lovely week as well!

  3. I didn’t even realise this was the last update of this round (it is isn’t it?) and
    I missed a few as I moved house and travelled a while. Dang it! Well, at least you’re doing well (and so much!) See you on the next round. 🙂

    • Your round sounds a little like mine, Shah–moving house and all of that. Glad to see that I’m not the only one that missed a few check-ins (well, in my case, a *lot* of check-ins :P).

      Looking forward to the next round!

  4. I totally wanted to work in forensics when CSI came out too – although my slight hate of blood and death etc swayed me away. I do love a bit of CSI still though.
    I can’t believe how much you’ve read this week, you must be a fast reader, I’m quite slow so very jealous.
    Good luck with your stressful couple of days, and I hope you can relax after them!

    • I have to say, I think grad school has turned me into some mutant reading freak. I was always rather fast, but with all of the work we have to do, and the hundreds of pages of reading each week, it’s sort of like “finish or perish,” haha.

      Thanks for stopping by!

  5. Lena, it sounds like you’re rockin’! So glad you got a couple relaxing days – I did too, after a horrendous week and a half. Much needed! Good luck coming down to the finish line.

    • Jen, so good to see you! And I’m glad to hear that you had a chance to unwind a little, especially after a difficult couple of weeks. Hope the relaxation time continues!

  6. Lena, sounds like you had a great week! Isn’t it amazing what just a couple days off can do? Good luck with the “little conversation” – I have no doubt it will go well – and have a great week!

    • So true, Jennette! I was hoping for a couple of weeks of solid downtime, but it’s good to see that just a day or two can ease my stress considerably. And thanks for the well wishes! I’m feeling good about this meeting, and about all of the ideas that will hopefully come out of it. 😀

  7. Well done, Lena! Sorry on your sloth time being thrown out, but I always feel great when i get to accomplish things, especially when I don’t expect to accomplish anything.
    I see you reading a lot. I hope you read my novelette when it comes out in December 😉 I would love to hear what you think about it.

  8. Hi Lena! Just had to come by and see ya!

    You have had one busy crazy year. But you’ve accomplished so much. I hope everything goes well in Santa Barbara. Walking 19 miles with Mom sounds wonderful. And look at all the reading your getting done. You’re simply amazing! I wish you all the best! 🙂

    • Karen, so great to see you! Thanks a million for coming by. You’re right, it *has* been a super crazy year, but I’m hoping that things are going to calm down, at least a little, once September is through. I’m missing all my WANA pals!

      Have a wonderful week!

  9. Dang, girl, how dare you give me more books for my TBR list? *taps foot* Just kidding! I’m glad you’re feeling prepared for your “conversation.” I remember mine so well; I know you’ll do fine.

    You have had one heck of a year, but you’ve done so much, I’m very impressed. Have a great trip to Santa Barbara–I’ll be sending good dissertation vibes your way.

  10. Enjoy the good times:) see you next round

  11. Fabulous week! I love all of that reading and writing and exercise. Best wishes with your goals and the “little conversation.”

  12. Great job on all your goals. I’m always happy when I manage to get things accomplished without intending to do so. Enjoy the end of the round, and see you next round!

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