Happy Sunday, ROWers! This weekend is a special one, as I’m celebrating my blog’s first birthday. I’m actually a week late — my very first post, a ROW80 check-in, was posted on May 15th — but better late than never, right?
In celebration, I’m bringing out Party Sloth…
…and you know that festivities would be incomplete without Hugh…
For fun, I thought I’d make a mini-vlog, just to wave and say hello. It’s nothing fancy, but I wanted a chance to thank all of you in “person.” Without this amazing, wonderful, phenomenal community, I think I would’ve abandoned both the blogging experiment and my writing attempts ages ago.
I missed last week’s check-in due to grading, but here’s how things are going so far:
Day Job: The stack of midterms is never-ending, the reading is never-ending, the homework is never-ending. The quarter ends in three weeks, and till then, I will be furiously working my buns off to get things done. My brain is buzzing, I’m learning a ton, and I really am having fun… I just wish the pressure would ease off just a teeny bit. But grading will be done on Tuesday, and I’ll have a couple of weeks to take care of my work before it’s time to tackle the students’ final papers.
Writing: Okay, so, the week before last was my awesome writing week. The plot for STRANGE BEDFELLOWS dropped into my lap, completely unbidden, and I wrote about 4500 words between all 3 of my projects. Not much has happened this week, though, but I did raid the university library for books on 19th century San Francisco as part of my research for TELL ME NO LIES. Now, er, I just have to find time to read them.
Exercise: I’ve been a little under the weather for the last few days, so I scaled back to a couple of short workouts instead of the usual 4 mile walk. But altogether I had 4 days of activity, which is pretty good.
Social Media: Ugh, a total bust. I’ve been unplugged for the last week because I can’t concentrate on grading otherwise. Operation KEEP TRYING is in progress.
Here’s what I’ve been reading and watching this week:
I finally got around to reading, CONSPIRACY, the fourth book in Lindsay Buroker‘s phenomenal EMPEROR’S EDGE series. The EE series is a blend of steampunk and fantasy, and features an unlikely band of outlaws striving to evade the law and do enough good deeds for the emperor to clear their names. Like the previous three, CONSPIRACY is a ton of fun — lots of tension, lots of action, lots of humor, and a great plot.
As far as movies go, I finished the last two episodes of the Zen miniseries, and I think it’s an absolute crime that it was cancelled after only one season (seriously, y’all, it’s soooo sad). I also caught The Raven, which I enjoyed, though not as much as other creepy period pieces, like Perfume or The Prestige. Next up is the miniseries Case Histories, starring Jason Isaacs, which I’ve been dying to watch.
…And with that, I am crawling back into my reading/grading/working cave. Hope you’ve all had an awesome week!
May 20, 2012 at 12:53 am
Happy Birthday Blog! Great little blog you made there – feels like I actually met you
I’m too camera shy to dream of it but I love watching other’s blogs. It brings peeps closer.
You are managing brilliantly with such a huge work load – Kudos! Keep going and see you soon. X
Shah Wharton recently posted..Chop, chop… #Row80 / #fiftyfifty.me Updates – R2/20-05
May 20, 2012 at 8:55 am
Shah, thanks so much! It’s a little ridiculous how even a 1 minute clip takes SO much energy to put together, but I’m glad you liked. I definitely agree that it brings people closer.
Have a wonderful week!
May 20, 2012 at 6:26 am
Happy Birthday Blog! Love sloths and LOVE Hugh!
You’ve been doing so much at work and school, and still you got a pretty word count under your belt. Nice!
And nice workout too!
I wish I could just unplug from the internet a little. I so wanted to, but I’m internet crazy …
Have another great week!
Juliana Haygert recently posted..#ROW80 and NTS Check-in 05/20
May 20, 2012 at 8:58 am
Ack, internet addiction! I totally know the problem. It’s SO hard to unplug at first, but after a while, it gets a little easier. Of course, I’ve got a smartphone, so I get my internet “fix” that way.
Thanks so much for the bloggy birthday love, my friend. Have a great week!
May 20, 2012 at 7:10 am
Love your vlog, Lena! Happy Bloggy Birthday. It’s been so great to follow. You’ve gained encouragement and support from all of us, but you’ve given so much, too! You’re a beautiful woman, smart, well-spoken, and a wonderful writer. I know we’ll see great things from you!
Your Friend, Nadja
Nadja Notariani recently posted..Researching For Romance ~ A New Series
May 20, 2012 at 9:01 am
Aww, Nadja, thank you so much! I really do appreciate it. I feel like I’ve grown so much in the last year, and it’s wonderful to know that I’ve managed to give a little in return for all I’ve received.
Have a wonderful week!
May 20, 2012 at 7:23 am
What’s not to like about cute animals and Hugh?
Happy Blog Birthday! LOL that you missed it – because I totally missed mine too! I just looked and it was yesterday! Have a great week!
Jennette Marie Powell recently posted..ROW80: What’s in a Name
May 20, 2012 at 9:02 am
Haha, glad to know I’m not the only one who missed the birthday! There seems to be a spate of blog birthdays going around, which has been really exciting.
Have a lovely week as well, Jennette!
May 20, 2012 at 8:23 am
Happy Bloggy Birthday Lena! I love your vlog, very sweet
And you’re doing well with your goals despite your day job… good for you! Have a great writing week!
EM Castellan recently posted..ROW80 Check-In #6 – Self-editing and dealing with repetitions
May 22, 2012 at 7:49 pm
Thanks so much, EM! It’s slow-going over here as far as goals are concerned, but it helps to have the ROW crew around.
Have a great week as well!
May 20, 2012 at 8:36 am
a steam punk ‘Smith and Jones’
if I had that amount of work to do I don’t thin k I would be smiling quite so charmingly – you are def. doing okay there:)
keep smiling and all the best this coming week
alberta ross recently posted..What madness afficts one?:( albertas check in
May 22, 2012 at 7:50 pm
Haha, I’ll admit, I recorded that vlog before I went completely crazy with grading — there wasn’t so much smiling for the last couple of days! But now that midterms are behind me, I can be a little more cheery.
Thanks so much for stopping by!
May 20, 2012 at 9:08 am
Happy Bloggy Birthday! Loved the video; what’s your PHD about? I’d love to do a PHD but I can’t decide on a topic!
Janet Parfitt recently posted..ROW80 Check – In 13/05/2012
May 22, 2012 at 7:51 pm
I’m studying sociology right now, with a focus on feminist studies and sociology of culture. Lots of good stuff, really exciting, but soooo much reading.
Thanks so much for stopping by, Janet!
May 20, 2012 at 10:34 am
Fabulous vlog! [You sound a bit like the actress that plays Angela on Bones
] So great to ‘meet’ you. Happy blogoversary.
You’re doing great Lena. You have a lot on your plate. Keep up the good work! Wishing you luck with the upcoming week.
Raelyn Barclay recently posted..Sunday Summary & #ROW80
May 22, 2012 at 7:52 pm
Ooooh, do I really? I still haven’t gotten around to watching Bones. One of these days, when I clear out my Netflix queue.
Hope you have a great week as well, Raelyn! Thanks a lot for swinging by.
May 20, 2012 at 10:56 am
Oh my goodness! I love love love that Vlog…..so nice to hear your voice! I thought had been blogging alot longer than me…maybe because you are so good at it! My blog birthday is mid-June but you know I won’t be showing my face! Love the nose ring by the way
Great job on writing, researching and even thinking about writing with all your other projects and commitments. Inspiring my lovely, inspiring
Have a great week.
Em recently posted..Row80 Check-in 20th May 2012
May 22, 2012 at 7:53 pm
Awww, you are so sweet! I love that we totally got started around the same time, and you have totally grown as a blogger in the last year! Can’t wait till we can celebrate your blog’s birthday!
May 20, 2012 at 11:44 am
Happy Blogoversary Lena!!!!
So glad you remembered! Better late than never! Then we would’ve worried! lol
Thank you for the vlog! You are one gorgeous, smart woman Lena! We’re all prouod of what you’ve achieved and are with you 100% of the way through the next year and onward! I wish you all the best!
Great picture of Hugh by the way!
May 22, 2012 at 7:54 pm
Karen, you are absolutely wonderful! Meeting you and all of our other WANA crew has been one of the highlights of my year.
And I’m soooo glad you like the picture of Hugh. Among my friends, it’s known as his “manwhore” pose, hahaha.
Have a wonderful week!
May 20, 2012 at 12:23 pm
Happy Birthday to you blog! You are such a busy woman, I don’t see how you get so much done!
And thank you, thank you for the pic of Hugh. We can’t get enough of that lovely man.
I loved your video. You’re a beautiful lady!
Lauralynn Elliott recently posted..Sunday Stuff 5/20/12
May 22, 2012 at 7:56 pm
Thanks for the wonderful birthday wishes, Lauralynn! And I’m so glad you enjoyed that pic of Hugh. I like to think that I am doing a civic duty by sharing them.
May 20, 2012 at 1:34 pm
Aw, you’re so cute! I love the vlog and getting to hear your voice and feel a bit more connected to you. Happy 1st Birthday to your blog! I just celebrated mine a couple weeks ago. I’m so glad I met you in Blogsville! Hang in there with winding up this semester!
Lynn Kelley recently posted..Skeleton Walks Pet Brain – Promoting Literacy
May 20, 2012 at 2:51 pm
Happy Birthday to your Blog, and you I guess too.

You’re doing so well, keep up the good work, and hopefully more words will come this week
newtowritinggirl recently posted..Getting Back On It
May 21, 2012 at 3:57 am
Happy Happy Blog Birthday
Sounds like you have been doing amazingly well all round. Congrats.
Jody Moller recently posted..Please pardon my ROW80 absence
May 21, 2012 at 5:23 am
Happy Bloggy Birthday! I love the “operation keep trying” thing – so many people throw that Yoda quote around,”do or do not, there is no try” and it drives me bonkers. Nothing gets done if you don’t try. Being willing to keep it up when it DOESN’T go well is more important than success or failure. You have a lot on your plate and you seem to be managing it beautifully. Keep it up!
And I love party sloth!
May 21, 2012 at 7:59 am
Happy blog birthday Lena! You look so cute !

Coleen Patrick recently posted..Leaning into the Leap
May 21, 2012 at 10:18 am
Hi Lena! Belated Happy Bloggy Birthday! yeah, better late than never! Looking forward to seeing more great things from a wonderful writer like you.

Catherine recently posted..dating tips for men in 2012
May 21, 2012 at 9:55 pm
For someone so busy, you did an amazing job with the word count! Wow. I hope you’re feeling much better after your under-the-weather days. Best wishes for a great week, and happy blog birthday!
Julie Glover recently posted..Howdy from Big D and #ROW80
May 22, 2012 at 2:58 am
Happy Blog Anniversary, Lena. A wonderful video and it was great to see you talking in person. Sloths and Hugh are fun and make this blog uniquely you. Stay strong under the work load! You’ve been doing great with your goals.
Reetta Raitanen recently posted..Talk Like Yoda You Must
May 22, 2012 at 6:09 am
Lena, you have an AMAZING voice. (I used to do a lot of singing, and voices are something that stand out to me.)
As for putting up with your passions… I guess I never noticed it as “putting up” because they just “fit”. They’re part of you as a person, along with discussions of grades/school, great #wordsprints and writing. As far as I’m concerned, it’s all good. And this was sweet.
Happy (belated) Bloggy Birthday! ♥
Eden Mabee recently posted..My Day? Mabee not…
May 22, 2012 at 10:02 am
Happy Bloggy Birthday! I look forward to many, many, many more years of your fabulous blogs!
Dang, you are gorgeous! And you have a super sexy, pretty voice too! Is that weird that I think your voice is sexy? Oh, well.
Love the pic of Hugh! A party sloth… only you would bring out the party sloth. Congrats again on one year.
Tameri Etherton recently posted..Slacklining Isn’t Just For Adventure Seekers
May 22, 2012 at 9:05 pm
Happy blogversary, Lena!
Fabio Bueno recently posted..The Best Action Movie You Haven’t Watched Yet
May 28, 2012 at 6:25 am
Happy Belated BLOG BIRTHDAY!! Loved your video
I can’t believe how much you’ve accomplished in just a year. You should be so proud of yourself!! I think I missed my blog’s birthday lol, so I’ll have to celebrate a bloggity unbirthday some time soon. So much love for another year of madness….I mean…fantabulousness here at Flights of Fancy.