Lena Corazon

Flights of Fancy

ROW80: It’s all About Bitty Baby Steps

As I mentioned in my post on Friday, I got derailed this past week by an unexpected bout with food poisoning. I’m back to normal now, thank goodness, but my ROW80 progress has been pretty limited.

Day Job: I ended up missing a full week of school because I was sick, but I’ve done a teeny bit of reading towards the dissertation proposal. Also, I found out a few days ago that a paper proposal I submitted for a conference in November was accepted. The paper is going to be an adaptation of my MA thesis, and will also serve as prep for both my dissertation proposal, and the journal article I’ll be co-writing with my advisor. I am going to make this paper work for me. πŸ˜›

Writing: I wrote 3437 words this week, most of them towards PATH TO THE PEACOCK throne. PPT wasn’t really on my radar until I used it to answer the Lucky 7 meme and was reminded how darn AWESOME this book is. TELL ME NO LIES is still on the agenda, but I might switch my focus to PPT for a while. It’s got a surprisingly strong structure, and while I’m fuzzy on how it’s going to end, ideas are flowing.

Exercise: I managed two short workouts this week, which isn’t too terrible. I think I may have lost a couple of pounds from being sick, so right now my goal is to keep those pounds off, and hopefully lose a little more. Walking and at-home Pilates are on the docket for next week.

Social Media: I wrote one blog post this week, but I haven’t had a chance to really visit any blogs. It’ll be something to work on in the week to come.


Before all the yuckiness hit, there were lots and lots of fun times! We kicked it off with the amazing and wonderful #ROW80 Twitter party, co-hosted by my partner-in-crime, Barbara McDowell.Β Once again, she and I were the last partiers left standing, which I think ought to earn us some sort of medal. πŸ˜‰

Even better, I channeled my awesome ’80s side-ponytailing for the occasion. I’m showcasing the original, ’cause it really did rock:

It's ALL about the side pony.

Barbara and I will be going through all of the entries for the photo/blog contest over the next week. If you created a post with the “throwback” theme and didn’t post it to the linky, go ahead and add the link in the comments below.

Who else is easing into this round with bitty baby steps like I am? Or are you blazing along, tackling your goals effortlessly? Let me know, and while you’re at it, be sure to swing by and wave at the other ROWers who are checking in.

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  1. Hey, the baby steps all add up! Well done for keeping going. I think I might be more at a crawling stage this week, but I’m sure things will pick up again next week…

    Also, I used to have a side pony just like that one!
    Jenna Bright recently posted..ROW Check In 4 – Book Fair Anticipation!My Profile

  2. Sorry to hear you weren’t well, glad you’re feeling better.
    Baby steps are the way forward – I’ve had a goal of 100 words a day to ease me back into writing, and it’s totally working.
    Hope week 3 is good for you.
    Newtowritinggirl recently posted..The Sunshine AwardMy Profile

  3. It seems you did well despite the food poisoning, I hope you’re fully recovered now. I also hope next week will go well for you. Happy writing!
    EM Castellan recently posted..A Round of Words in 80 Days – Check-in #2My Profile

  4. Sounds like you’re making steady progress. Go Lena Go. ROW ROW ROW. πŸ™‚
    Nicole Basaraba recently posted..Book Review: Last Chance Saloon – by Marian KeyesMy Profile

  5. It’s all about being slow and steady – or if you’re me, crawling πŸ™‚ Glad you’re feeling better. X
    Shah Wharton recently posted..Row80 Challenge Updates 04/15 Round 2 & Other Stuff!My Profile

  6. Sorry to hear about the food poisoning! But hey, you got a decent amount of words in even with being sick! Nice job!

    • Haha, I was a little shocked when I saw the word count. Nothing like a few writing sprints to help me channel my creative energies. πŸ˜‰

      Thanks so much for stopping by, Michelle!

  7. Definitely easing in this round as well, Lena. I was supposed to take the first two weeks off…Yeah, right – too much type A going on for all that… but I did indulge myself in some fun reading, out-of-doors appreciation, and time with the fam.
    Glad you are feeling better – and once again in love with Path To The Peacock Throne. :}
    Nadja Notariani recently posted..The ‘Sting’ of Inspriation…My Profile

    • Oh, fun reading and out-of-doors appreciation all sounds wonderful! I’m hoping that the weather will get a little better. We’ve had rain and fog for days and days now, and I am dying for a little outside time.

      Hope you have had a great week, Nadja!

  8. Baby steps get the job done – and it sounds like you have a lot going on, so makes sense! Congrats on the paper acceptance. Glad to see you’re feeling better – good luck this week!
    Jennette Marie Powell recently posted..ROW80: Two Steps Forward…My Profile

  9. Sorry to hear about your food poisoning, Lena. The fact that you managed to get anything done, especially exercise, is awesome. Great job, and feel better soon. That’s rough to recover from. Hugs:)
    Stacy Green recently posted..Row80 Check-In: Adrenaline RushMy Profile

  10. Thrilled that you’re feeling better! Hope that next week is healthier and more productive for you hon πŸ™‚ Love the side pony. Too cute πŸ™‚ Keep up the great work and exercise – you’re doing fabulous!

  11. Baby steps are always best πŸ™‚ Glad to hear you’re feeling better and you accomplished a lot considering you were down and out. So way to go last week. Here’s to a fabulous upcoming week.

    Oh, and you are too cute rocking that side pony!
    Raelyn Barclay recently posted..Sunday Summary & #ROW80My Profile

    • Thanks so much, Raelyn! I think this is just going to be the round of baby steps, so I’m trying to get adjusted for this “slow and steady” race.

      Hope your week rocked as well!

  12. Glad to hear you are feeling better and great job on your progress so far! Good luck this week!
    Kat Morrisey recently posted..Simplicity Seems to be Working-Sunday ROW80 UpdateMy Profile

  13. Sorry you’ve been sick, Lena, and glad you’re doing better. Way to go! Make that paper multi-task! Great word count for the week and YAY! on the PPT!
    Hasn’t been effortless for me, but things are moving along! Have a great week!
    Marcia Richards recently posted..ROW80 Progress From The Gimp – 4/15/12My Profile

  14. Food poisoning? Wow, I’m glad you’re feeling better now, that is a yucky thing to have to deal with. Although, it looks like you made the most of it 3400 words, a couple work outs – very nice.

    Here’s hoping that the coming week is a smoother run for you, Lena πŸ™‚
    Gene Lempp recently posted..ROWthief 4~15My Profile

  15. Well done for getting anything done when you are poorly, well done!

    I hope this week you feel 100% again and to make yourself feel better you should wear you hair in a side ponytail around the house! I totally rocked them when I was young, usually I crimped my hair first! Good times!
    Em recently posted..ROW80 Check-in 15th April 2012My Profile

    • Oh man, I wanted my mom to crimp my hair SO badly when I was a kid! But it was still sort of curly, so I guess there wasn’t any need, lol.

      Thanks so much for stopping by, Em!

  16. I’m so sorry about the food poisoning. It’s a wonder you got ANYTHING done! I think you did great considering you were sick so long. Good luck this week!
    Lauralynn Elliott recently posted..ROW80 Check In 4/15/12My Profile

  17. Ugh! Hate that the stomach wobbles hung out all week. Glad you are on the mend now.

    *giggling at the photo* Too cute and your outfit matched the table cloth and the background painting. Heh, heh, heh.

    Way cool news re: the thesis paper working for the dissertation. And kudos on the WIP shift. Put your energy where the drive is and write away. πŸ™‚
    Barbara McDowell recently posted..Working Through the Muck: ROW80 Goals Check-InMy Profile

  18. Glad to know you’re doing better!
    I’m certainly not breezing, but trying to push through some larger baby steps lol Let’s see what this round brings πŸ˜‰
    Have a great week, Lena!
    Juliana Haygert recently posted..ROW80 Check-in 04-15My Profile

  19. Great job this week! So glad you’re feeling better. At least you’ve had good news to go along with your food poisoning. The fact that you’re tackling lectures and dissertations and articles at the same time as EVERYTHING else constantly amazes me.

    Love the side pony! I used to think I was hot stuff doing my hair like that when I was little LOL. I had such a good throwback post in mind but ended up too exhausted to put it together. (It had boy band goodness for you and Barbara!) Maybe I’ll put it up in a few weeks when things are a leetle bit more calm.

    Have a great week, Lena!!
    Lauren Garafalo recently posted..A ROW80 Check-In From the RoadMy Profile

    • Ack, boy band goodness?! You are going to have to post it at some point in the future, ’cause I am dying for a little 90s boy band wonderment in my life. πŸ˜€

  20. Lena, if you do this “badly” when you’re not at 100%…! Glad you’re better. That little one with the side ponytail is darling. Wonder who she is. πŸ˜‰
    SJ Driscoll recently posted..ROW80 Sunday: Goals equal happyMy Profile

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