Lena Corazon

Flights of Fancy

Babies and Puppies, Oh My!

There’s really not much I can say about this video, except that I now want ALL the babies and ALL the puppies in the world.

Improbable, perhaps, but there is so much darn cute bound up in this 41 second clip that I don’t know how else to react. Watch it, my friends, but be prepared for massive squealing.

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  1. Awwwwww…adorable!!
    I tell hubby ALL the time that I want to always have two dozen puppies at home so I can lay on the floor and have them crawl all over me throughout the evening…There’s nothing quite like a puppy!! And babies!!
    Natalie Hartford recently posted..Hubby’s Corner: Every superhero needs a villainMy Profile

    • I am SO obsessed with puppies (and babies) right now! I’ve never had a puppy, and while I love my cat to pieces, there’s just something so darn precious about a little dog. I’m trying to talk my mom into letting me adopt one, but to no avail.

  2. sorry, too much cuteness in one clip, I had to look away. 😉
    Rachel recently posted..Happy Friday From Our Furry Friends and an Overworked WriterMy Profile

  3. Oh. My. Gosh. That is too cute! Nothing cuter than a puppy, or a baby anything really.

    What a fun post!

    Patricia Rickrode
    w/a Jansen Schmidt

  4. Puppy breath! There is nothing as sweet as puppy breath except for baby’s breath. Awww, you’re right – too much cuteness! That baby just wants to eat that puppy, I think. I love the random feet in the background.

    I have to watch it again. And maybe again.
    Tameri Etherton recently posted..Research made me do it. Really.My Profile

    • I have watched this clip a few dozen times since one of my fellow puppy-and-baby-obsessed friends shared it with me. I just can’t get enough!

  5. adorable. who can resist puppies or babies?
    Louise Behiel recently posted..The Problem Child – It’s Not All BadMy Profile

  6. SQUEEEEE! But it’s not LONG ENOUGH! *s*
    Amy Shojai, CABC recently posted..Monday Mentions: The New Baby & Suck It Up, Sweetheart!My Profile

  7. So cute!!!
    Alica recently posted..High Maintenance WifeMy Profile

  8. Awww, I still remember those open-mouth baby kisses. Ah, the puppies are so cute 🙂

  9. I love the bit where the baby looks back at the adult behind him and just know they’ve called out “honey, don’t eat the puppy.” 🙂
    Sarah Pearson recently posted..Rachel Morgan’s GuardianMy Profile

  10. So cute!!
    Coleen Patrick recently posted..Loving a Book by its CoverMy Profile

  11. Awe, how adorable! Puppies and babies are soo cute! And then they grow up! 🙂
    Karen McFarland recently posted..When Life Gives You Lemons…My Profile

  12. Awwww, that is so cute. Love how the kid is just trying to eat them up.

  13. Awww, puppy and baby kisses. Cute video

    I’m sorry, but I have to show you this video, not a puppy any more, but it has a baby: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cYl8SYNuaKQ
    That video (and a few others) made us decide we’ll get a landseer (black and white newfoundland dog) next. I would have wanted a big playful nanny dog when I was a kid 😛

  14. Amazing! When the dog licked his open mouth I have to say I squealed in not a very delighted way. Need to go get some puppies and a baby right NOW!!!
    Em recently posted..ROW80 Check-in 11th March 2012My Profile

  15. All I can say is “How cute!”. This video is enough to make anyone smile and feel good.
    Victor recently posted..jamaica travel dealsMy Profile

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