Lena Corazon

Flights of Fancy

ROW80: Another One Bites the Dust

Well, folks, somehow I did it: on Thursday, I successfully defended my MA thesis, and received a “high pass” in the process.

Can you hear my squealing screams of delight?

I want to say a huge THANK YOU to everyone who has encouraged me through the long, lengthy process of writing and revising my thesis, and to everyone who told me that I would clear this hurdle in my grad school career. All of that encouragement has meant the world to me, and I think I walked into my defense all the stronger for it.

The experience itself was surprisingly pleasant. Really, it’s hard to go wrong when you have three really smart people who care about you and support you sit in one room and discuss the various implications of your work. They had so many wonderful things to say about my project, and a ton of ideas about what I can do with it in the future — a very, very good thing, since I only have a few months to churn out a dissertation proposal.

With this challenge completed, I feel like I can finally move forward. I’ve already made a reading list for the next month, and a list of research questions/concerns that I may want to address. This, really, is where I excel: wading through a vast world of research, mapping the scholarly and theoretical terrain, reading broadly and widely (something the committee commended me for doing) and pulling together various strands of thought in order to formulate my own theories.

I’ve learned so many things from this process, things like patience and dilligence. I’ve learned that it’s not the end of the world when projects change, and to follow my intuition, even if it contradicts all of my initial plans.

Even better, I’ve learned that I know more than I think I do. Really, it goes back to the goal I set for myself last week, to abandon self-doubt and tackle my goals with an increased sense of confidence. In the conversation that ensued during the defense, I let my knowledge flow, and it was a remarkable feeling, because I didn’t realize how many crazy facts I had stored in my head.

I have a lot to consider in the days and weeks to come, but I am looking forward to hopefully getting back to a less stressful state of mind. This last week was absolutely ridiculous — didn’t do any writing, barely worked out, ate lots of fast food — but I’m taking this weekend to rest up and recalibrate. I have watched lots of cartoons, taken naps, sat outside and stargazed, and just relaxed. It feels so darn good.

I am still on a Queen kick, as you can tell from this post’s title, which means I have to add a video clip. 😀

How’s everyone else holding up? Can you believe we’re already in the first week of March?

Don’t forget to swing by and visit the other ROW80 participants to see how they’re doing this week.


  1. Congratulations!!! Screaming here with you!!!
    Diane Capri recently posted..Readers Ask: Can I Read Diane’s Books My Way?My Profile

  2. Way to go Lena! Fantastic – you so totally rock 🙂 WOO HOO! And you deserve some down time to refuel and recover. That self doubt can rear its ugly head at the worst of times, but it feels so dang good when you defeat it!

    Be easy on yourself this week. And give yourself permission to just curl up with a book and read 🙂 You deserve it!!

    • Marie, you are awesome and I’ve definitely tried to take this advice. There’s been lots of reading, and lots of television-watching, since the defense happened. 😀

  3. awesome! Fantastic! amazing! well done!
    Louise Behiel recently posted..Why Being The Family Hero HurtsMy Profile

  4. That is awesome! I can hardly believe you are in grad school and writing! It makes me feel silly for thinking I had too much going on. I’ll remember that when I start to feel overwhelmed. Dissertation? I couldn’t even handle reading one, let alone think about writing one. Way to go, Lena!
    Emma Burcart recently posted..My Best Relationship Was in Third GradeMy Profile

    • It’s so funny — that’s how I feel whenever I hear my writing friends discuss their families and children. Grad school is something that feels manageable to me, but kids? I can barely keep my plants alive. 😉

  5. You are awesome!!!!!! Congratulations.

  6. Congratulations what an amazing achievement!

  7. Watched tons of cartoons *laughs in quiet knowledge* Fun fact for you, just before I came into the blogging world – having spun as a pantser getting nowhere for years – I sat for the better part of three days watching old Bugs Bunny and Loony toons – all the ones I watched as a kid. Toons have a great way of reconnecting us to the past while showing us the way forward. So –

    Congratulations! I totally knew you could do it Lena. You are smart and dedicated and I’m glad that your “really smart people” gave you some validation there. Have faith in yourself and your intuition and enjoy your well earned victory.

    Have a wonderful coming week and enjoy the toons 🙂
    Gene Lempp recently posted..ROWJourney 3-4My Profile

    • I LOVE old Looney Toons cartoons! And I agree — there’s something really special and useful about reconnecting with those old memories.

      Thank so much for all the support and encouragement, Gene. You don’t know how much it means. 😀

  8. Standing up and clapping for you, Lena! Oh and now jamming to Queen. You have rocked the education world. 🙂

  9. I’m so happy to hear you received a high pass and you’re on to the next big adventure in your life. That must feel so liberating to have completed your Master’s Thesis. I can totally relate to your feeling of relaxation. Congratulations!!!

  10. WOOT WOOT Congratulations Lena! That is wonderful news. Sooo happy for you and so excited for what is yet to come! Enjoy some much deserved down time….HUGS!!!
    Natalie Hartford recently posted..ROW80 – Round 1 – Check-in #18My Profile

  11. Hey, way to go Lena! Enjoy your break. It is well-deserved. 🙂
    Yolanda Early recently posted..Counting Down the RoundMy Profile

  12. Applause Applause!!! Hope you by yourself a nice big bottle of champagne and celebrate. You worked hard and earned it. Enjoy your relaxation time.
    Robin McCormack recently posted..Sunday Salon: making lots of progressMy Profile

  13. Congratulations on your successful thesis defense. Now all your hard work have paid off.
    Jana recently posted..ballroom dancing lessonsMy Profile

  14. OMG!!!! I’m jumping up and down in my kitchen!!!!

    I’m so, so, SO proud of you, girl. You’ve worked so long and hard for this that it’s scary to have to do. Congrats on that “high praise” – you’ve more than earned it.

    Jenny Hansen recently posted..Thoughts On Love: 50/50 Is A Crap RatioMy Profile

    • Squee, thanks so much, Jenny! I swear, I feel like I’ve been wandering around in a fog since it happened — still pinching myself, but it feels SO good. 😀

  15. Congratulations Lena, this is wonderful news 🙂
    Sarah Pearson recently posted..Musical Stories 30: RomanceMy Profile

  16. Listening to Queen is never a bad thing…haha. Congrats on defending your MA thesis, Lena. You’ve got to be soaring this week! We only know one another through the internet – but I’m proud of you! You are using all the gifts you’ve been blessed with. Keep up the great work.

  17. Congrats!!! And have fun getting into your research!
    Jennette Marie Powell recently posted..My Town Monday: The Road to Madness Starts HereMy Profile

  18. Yea Lena!!!!!

    I knew you would do it girl! So proud of you! It’s only onward and upwards from here on out! You’re fabulous! Did I already tell you that? Well I’m saying it again.
    And I love, love, love your attitude! You continue to Rock it out with Queen!
    Another One Bites The Dust!!!!!!! 🙂
    Karen McFarland recently posted..When Life Gives You Lemons…My Profile

  19. Congratulations! And so glad to hear your self-doubt is lessening. I don’t think we ever completely get rid of it, which I do believe can be good and keep us on our toes. But we never want so much that we don’t try to succeed.

    Can’t wait to hear more of your future plans. Onward and upward!!
    Tia Bach recently posted..Introducing Guardian by Rachel Morgan: Debuting Today, March 5, 2012My Profile

  20. So? What’s the big deal?

    Nah just kidding! Congratulations!
    Cindy recently posted..Hemorrhoids help blogMy Profile

  21. OMG, Lena! Ha, that sounds like I’m 13, but that is how happy I feel for you. I know what a relief it is for you. I had to smile in recognition at your nerves and your surprise at knowing more than you thought you did.

    I have no doubt whatever that you will find a fascinating dissertation topic (no, that is not an oxymoron!) and dive in with your notable enthusiasm. I am dancing around here, and very proud of you!
    Elizabeth Anne Mitchell recently posted..British bride WIP excerpt, playing with POVMy Profile

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