Lena Corazon

Flights of Fancy

ROW80: Is It Spring Break Yet?

Screen capture from The Avengers: Earth's Migh...

Image via Wikipedia

It’s a late afternoon ROW80 check-in for me, as I’ve spent the past few days feeling sort of brain-dead, and generally useless — lots of laying on the couch and binging on The Avengers: Earth’s Mightiest Heroes, which is actually a pretty awesome cartoon series. However, it has inspired my latest life goal, which is to create and teach a course that explores the sociology of comic books and superheroes (!!!).

The theme of the past week? Small victories. Here’s how things went down:

Writing: Didn’t get as much done here as I’d like, but I did start some legitimate editing, instead of just writing up random scenes that may or may not end up in the final product. I’ve also been taking time out to “walk” my way through each scene, and to really start thinking about the wants, needs, and motivations of each character. All that background work is helping things to take shape.

Day Job: I finished my 2nd guest lecture this week, and it was lots of fun (the topic was film noir and post-World War II cinema). Even better, one of the students told me after class that I did a really great job, which saved me a whole weekend of self-doubt. The downside is that I’m still trying to adjust to the workload of grading 60-70 two page papers each week, so hopefully I pull that together soon.

I’ll be scheduling my MA thesis defense for sometime in the beginning of March, so prepping for that will be on my to-do list in the coming days. *bites nails* This is exciting and utterly terrifying all at once.

Social Time: I’ve been hunkered down at home all week, though I did get a chance to hit the beach last Sunday and hang out with friends. There have also been a couple of gossip-filled afternoons out to grab Indian food (always awesome), but I’m saving up my energy for next weekend, when I head to LA to spend my birthday with my little sister.

Exercise: Okay, I think I reached my goals… but it’s been one of those weeks when I can’t even remember what I had for dinner yesterday, let alone the number of times I worked out. I think it was 3 or 4 days, at any rate.

50/50 Challenge: No new movies, but I did get a chance to read fellow WANA-ite/ROW’er Jennette Marie Powell‘s Time’s Enemy, and wow — I was totally enthralled with it. If you’re into time travel, science-fiction novels, complete with romance, I highly recommend it. (Jen, is it March yet? Can I have book 2? I’m seriously dying to read it.)


If you haven’t already done so, I highly recommend that you all swing by and check out August McLaughlin‘s Beauty of a Woman blogfest — there are some incredible stories that have been shared. Also, sign-ups for Rachael Harrie’s Writers’ Platform-Building Campaign end on February 15th, so if you’re interested in taking part, head over here.

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  1. Wow Lena, you’ve got a ton on your plate. I can’t imagine grading all those papers…wowzers but it sounds like you are nailing it and doing amazing at your guest lectures. Woot woot!
    The writing sounds like it’s coming along nicely!!!
    Keep up the great work and here’s to an ahhhmazing birthday celebration in LA!!! I hope it rocks…
    Natalie Hartford recently posted..ROW80 – Round 1 – Check-in #12My Profile

  2. Man, you are a busy woman, I’d love to take one of your classes, do you allow auditors? Hope you have a wonderful birthday celebration in L.A.
    Rachel recently posted..8,000 Words-a-Day Follow Up: Attack of the Doubt MalingerersMy Profile

    • Whoo-hoo, yes! When I start teaching for real, auditors will most definitely be welcome. 😀

      Thanks so much for the birthday wishes! I’m really looking forward to spending time with my sister.

      Have a great week!

  3. Wow Lena, you Rocked the Row this week! You went from zero to sixty in a matter of seconds! You do know how I like speed! LOL!

    Awesome job! I know you are extremely busy. I did love the Hugh post and I’m starting to make my way around the Beautiful Woman blogfest posts. Let’s just say I had a lot of family in town. Yikes. Wowseers.

    So back in the saddle for me Lena. I’ve heard wonderful things about your contribution to the fest. I look forward to reading it. But I must be off to read a gazillion blogs tonight. Do you thing I can catch up? 🙂
    Karen McFarland recently posted..ROW80: Kicking and Screaming!My Profile

    • Haha, thanks, Karen! Definitely feels like I’ve been lumbering along in slow motion this week, but that’s the great thing about the end-of-the-week update — by the time I recap what’s happened, I realize that I’ve accomplished more than I realized.

      Glad to see you survived the family visitors! I know how much time and energy that can take, even if you are having a ton of fun. 😀

  4. I’d say you had a great week, Lena. Getting into the depth of a piece is just as challenging as writing it and a good use of time. MA Thesis in March, all the best, I bet you will do fantastic.

    Love the idea about superhero sociology. I’ve always believed that the lowest common denominator is the place where people are most likely to find common ground.

    Have a fantastic week, Lena 🙂
    Gene Lempp recently posted..Screenplay and ROWdate 2-12My Profile

  5. Great week! And omg you’re always busy busy busy lol
    You know which cartoon I’m watching and loving, the new ThunderCats on Cartoon Network lol
    Have a great week!
    Juliana Haygert recently posted..My Writing StoryMy Profile

  6. Love the class idea! I’m a sociology fan to begin with, but I like when people take deep concepts and show their application in contemporary culture. Great week! Keep up the juggling act. I’m sure you’ll do great!!
    Julie Glover recently posted..Quoth the Writer & #ROW80My Profile

  7. You are one busy girl! So glad (and jealous) that you got some beach time in. 🙂 Have fun next weekend w/ the little sis!
    Myndi Shafer recently posted..Perfect Valentine’s Day Movie: SPOONERMy Profile

  8. Busy, busy. And yet you are still rocking it. I love the vibe you send off. So upbeat about it all and fitting in some fabulous social time with all that work. You’re my hero! Have an amazing birthday celebration. 🙂
    Debra Kristi recently posted..Immortal Monday Hosts The Midnight Novelist and AphroditeMy Profile

  9. Sociology based on superheroes sounds waaaayyy cool! My daughter is taking soc right now and is bored to death – she’d love this! Sounds like you got a lot done ROW80-wise, on the day job front and other things too – keep up the good work!

    And thanks so much for the kind words on Time’s Enemy! I’m so glad you liked it – and hopefully the next one won’t be too long coming. It’s with the beta readers now, and after that, copyediting, so mid-March is still looking good. Have a great week!
    Jennette Marie Powell recently posted..My Town Monday: Ohio, the Heart of It All – for Romance Novels!My Profile

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