Lena Corazon

Flights of Fancy

The Writers’ Platform-Building Campaign Rides Again!

I’m so excited to take part in Rachael Harrie’s 4th Writers’ Platform-Building Campaign! I joined up last August for the 3rd round, and had an absolute blast discovering new bloggers and writers. If you want to sign up for Round 4, fill out this form, add your name to the list of campaigners, and don’t forget to follow #writecampaign on Twitter.

First, a little about me. I’m originally from the San Francisco Bay Area, but I’ve spent almost 3 years living in Santa Barbara, CA and working my way through a PhD program in sociology. I’m doing the big-time juggling act, balancing coursework, research, and teaching with writing, but I wouldn’t have it any other way. My Kindle is my inanimate lover, I am obsessed with Byronic heroes, and I drink more tea than is probably healthy… but it’s all good, right? ๐Ÿ˜‰

I’ve been writing for fun since I was a kid, but I decided to tackle writing as a career almost a year ago. At the moment, I’m trying to wrap up the first draft of TELL ME NO LIES, a steampunk murder-mystery set in 1890s San Francisco, and work through PATH TO THE PEACOCK throne, a fantasy novel I started during NaNoWriMo 2011. You can see my works in-progress, along with a couple of excerpts,ย here.

I also try to blog a couple of times a week, though depending on how much grading I have to do, that can change. ๐Ÿ˜‰ In the weeks to come, expect to see some flash fiction, major fan-girling for Hugh Jackman, and some life reflections (these seem to be connected with turning 25). I’ll also be posting regular updates for A Round of Words in 80 Days, “the writing challenge that knows you have a life” (a writing community/challenge that I highlyย recommend).

You can find me around the interwebz on Twitter, Google+ and Facebook (feel free to friend me or subscribe to my public updates, whichever you prefer). I also post writing inspirations to Tumblr and Pinterest.

I look forward to connecting with old and new friends, and getting to know all of you.



  1. You are one very busy lady. well done.

  2. Just thought I’d pop in to say hi. We are in the same group for the platform-building campaign. I’m also a new follower ๐Ÿ™‚

  3. You are a busy busy bee, Lena. I’m completely in awe how well you juggle all your responsibilities.
    The Platform Building Campain is one of the most awesome happenings in the Blogosphere. I participated in the last one and met a ton of fabulous writers, including you ๐Ÿ™‚ Unfortunately I have too much on my plate so I won’t take part this time, but I will be visiting blogs and hanging out with you guys on Twitter ๐Ÿ™‚
    Angela Orlowski-Peart recently posted..Entangled by Traci Bell – Author Interview and a Prize ContestMy Profile

    • Angela, thank you so much. I’m, er, not exactly sure either how I make things somewhat work, but so far I’m keeping up with everything. ๐Ÿ˜‰

      I definitely scaled back my Campaign involvement this time around. I think I got overly-enthusiastic and signed up for something 8 groups last year, and this time I’m sticking with 2 — much more manageable, especially when it comes to keeping up with everyone.

  4. Just stopping by to say hi. I too am originally from the bay area and now living further south in LA. I look forward to seeing you around the campaign.
    bridgetstraub.com recently posted..Birthday SparkleMy Profile

  5. Good on you, Lena! I loved the campaign last time, but this one snuck up on me and I’m trying to get my WIP done, so I won’t be participating. You’ll meet loads of fun people, I’m sure. I can’t believe how much you have going on, how do you stay sane?
    Tameri Etherton recently posted..Chocolate, the language of LOVEMy Profile

    • Hah, I am starting to think that sanity is overrated. ๐Ÿ˜‰ Seriously, though, I didn’t quite realize how much is happening in my life till I started making that list. But it means that every day stays interesting, at any rate!

  6. Hi Lena, nice to see you joined the campaign! I love byronic heroes and am stopping by from your adult fiction group to say hello.

  7. I look forward to seeing you on the campaign trail. Go team fantasy! *grin*
    Sabrina A. Fish recently posted..Writer’s Platform Building CampaignMy Profile

  8. Heya! I’m from the campaign as well. I love that you’re from the SF area. It’s one of my favorite places outside of my home state of Oregon.

    • Great to “meet” you, Hildred. ๐Ÿ˜€ I have to say, I absolutely love all of the natural beauty of Oregon. I spent a wonderful family vacation going through there years and years ago, and it was exquisite.

  9. I’m popping in from the campaign to say hi!

  10. A girl with a plan, I like that! Sounds like you’re very busy, but also successful with your goals! Keep them up!

    Patricia Rickrode
    w/a Jansen Schmidt

  11. Hello, Lena. We’re in the same group.

    I took part in the 3rd campaign, and it really helped raise my profile. I’m hoping it will do so again.

    Scott Bury recently posted..Just canโ€™t get enough of those platform-building campaignsMy Profile

  12. Hey Lena, just catching up with you as a participant in the campaign. Nice to meet you!
    C.M. Brown recently posted..FOURTH PLATFORM BUILDING CAMPAIGNMy Profile

  13. Hi Lena!
    First and foremost, I totally applaud you for managing to stay sane with the workload you have. You rock!
    I came across you from Rachel’s campaign site (this is my first year.). I can’t wait for this campaign to start. Here’s to new friends, great writing and lots of fun!

  14. Hey! I’m in your campaign group, so I just thought I’d drop by. ๐Ÿ™‚
    Misha recently posted..Guest Post Friday: Golden EagleMy Profile

  15. I’m a fellow campaigner and explore the websites of fantasy writers. I have a recent published novel titled SUFFERSTONE. I hope you have time to look at the work.

  16. Hi Lena, stopping in to say hi on the campaign trail. Hope to see you out in the Twitterverse!
    CJ Parmenter recently posted..Writersโ€™ Platform-Building CampaignMy Profile

  17. I wonder how you manage to do all of that without losing your sanity. care to share some tips?
    Tatjana recently posted..learn guitar dvdMy Profile

    • Haha, I’m sort of just wandering along a bit blindly! I’ve been trying to learn that I can’t do everything in a single day, and that I need to spread out my tasks a bit… and that taking naps when I’m tired is also important. ๐Ÿ˜€

  18. Hello from the Campaign, Lena…

    I’m not much for Byronic heroes myself. But a bionic Byronic hero? That has potential!

  19. Hi, I’m just dropping in from the Campaign. Look forward to getting to know you!
    Nick Wilford recently posted..I’ve been taggedMy Profile

  20. Nice to meet you – I’m a fellow campaigner. I look forward to getting to know you better.

  21. Hi there Lena! I’m dropping in from the Fantasy group at the Campaign! I think we might have been in one of the same groups last year too, but I really can’t remember. Either way, it’s good to connect! Can’t wait to read some of your flash fiction!
    Rebekah Loper recently posted..CSFF Day 3 โ€“ The Realms Thereunder ReviewMy Profile

  22. Tag, youโ€™re it! Youโ€™ve been tagged in a game of 11 Questions being passed around by the Platform-Building campaigners. You can pick up your questions at this link: http://www.dawnall.wordpress.com

  23. Good luck on your platform building campaign! I’ve seen these badges on several blogs – sounds like a great way to build interest! But I don’t think I could take on one more thing – I’m having enough trouble getting to the writing as it is. You go!
    Jennette Marie Powell recently posted..Big Name Books We Don’t LoveMy Profile

  24. I’m popping over from the Platform Building Campaign. I look forward to getting to know you and your work. ~Cheers

  25. I enjoyed reading about you and fully understand your busy life! I’m a teacher as well, though this is my first year ever not having a full time class but only subbing. You’ve got some interesting projects going too – best of luck to you!
    Btw~ I tagged you on my blog and hope you’ll have a few minutes to check it out and answer the questions! http://theresasmallsneed.blogspot.com
    Theresa Sneed recently posted..I’ve Been Tagged!My Profile

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