Lena Corazon

Flights of Fancy

A Dose of WTF: The Darkness, “I Believe In a Thing Called Love”

As I understand it, many people in the United States spent yesterday afternoon watching some sort of sporting event on television. Because my poor San Francisco 49ers weren’t participating in said event, I skipped out on all the parties and barbecues and tables laden with chips and 7-layer dip, and went to the beach instead. However, it has come to my attention that Samsung totally had some awesome commercial involving one of the greatest one-hit wonders in the world, The Darkness.

This song means a lot to me, because it brings back memories of the best Valentine’s Day I ever had, way back when I was just turning 17. It involved two of my best girlfriends, amazing Mexican food, and driving through San Francisco with this song blaring and all of us attempting to hit those crazy high notes. Pure magic, people.

You can find the ad here, but I find it highly depressing that they didn’t air clips from the actual music video, which is crack-effing-tastic. There is a spaceship, and space monsters, and more crazy-weirdness than you can shake a stick at. Honestly… you just have to see it to believe it.

So here you are, folks — a dose of WTF-ness to start your Monday off right.

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  1. Oh my goodness, Lena. I love the Darkness. I Believe in a Thing Called Love would SOOOO be my life’s theme-song…if my husband didn’t loathe it entirely.

    And the full-body jumpsuits?? They’re so gross-out-dorky, but I just love it! Puts a grin on my face EVERY SINGLE TIME.

    I was so happy to see their commercial last night, and love that you posted this today! Totally sharing!
    Myndi Shafer recently posted..A Hard Bit of Future to Wait ForMy Profile

    • Seriously, I can’t believe how long it’s been since I’ve played this song. It was on repeat ALL the time when it came out in ’08. If there’s any song capable to putting a smile on my face and making me dance, it’s this one.

  2. That is just something you can’t erase from your mind. Ever. It’s so absolutely hideous that I can’t help but love it. Thanks for the WTF wackiness today!

    Laser shooting guitars that can kill a giant space squid for the win!!
    Tameri Etherton recently posted..Chocolate, the language of LOVEMy Profile

    • Hahaha, no, it seriously cannot be unseen. The entire thing is just so darn ridiculous (the bedroom that looks like something out of a 1970s Las Vegas hotel room?), and so over-the-top crazy, that it is wonderful.

  3. Yay! I’d forgotten all about this song, thank you πŸ™‚
    Sarah Pearson recently posted..Musical Stories 27: FantasyMy Profile

  4. Thanks for the extra dose of wackiness Lena πŸ™‚
    Coleen Patrick recently posted..Jessica O’Neal Talks Character & Harry PotterMy Profile

  5. I’d never heard this song before. Or seen the video. And now….now I can’t un-see it! LOL. My thought as I watched…WTF?!
    Melinda recently posted..Cities of the Dead and Other Tourist AttractionsMy Profile

    • Omg, you DEFINITELY got a surprise! Seriously, those skin-tight suits are so freaking gross, but it’s just something you can’t look away from. πŸ˜€

  6. haha wow! I beleive in a thing called love by the darkness brings back sooo many memories, I used to listen to that song all day hehe.
    George Robson recently posted..how safe is madbidMy Profile

  7. Oh, wow! Somehow I have never heard this before. I have a feeling the commercial would have been fun. And it would have saved me from seeing that white lace body suit. How will I ever get that out of my mind? I may have nightmares. I can totally picture a car full of 17 year olds singing out the windows. That would actually make a great video!
    Emma Burcart recently posted..Everyone Probably Thinks We’re Drunk!My Profile

    • Haha, it’s sooooo bad, isn’t it? And gosh, I really wish we had had a camera around when we were driving. It was seriously epic, and soooo much fun. πŸ˜€

  8. Yeah Lena, you posted! I sorry but I can’t listen to the video right now because I would wake up my husband. lol But I’m still waiting for that guy named Hugh, what’s his name. Is he going to be showing up soon? I sure hope so. I’d sure like to catch a glimpse of him when he does. Just let me know when he arrives and I’ll come over! πŸ™‚
    Karen McFarland recently posted..ROW80: Kicking and ScreamingMy Profile

    • Omg Karen, you are totally going to have to go back and give the song a listen when you have the chance. It’s just… I don’t even know. Lots of falsetto singing, and guitars and craziness.

      And Hugh has FINALLY made his way onto my blog, complete with 8 pictures. Squee!!!

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