Lena Corazon

Flights of Fancy

ROW80: Steady As She Goes

Hugh Jackman

A completely gratuitous picture, because I can. Hugh Jackman (Image via RottenTomatoes.com)

It’s been a steady, solid week of productivity here at Flights of Fancy, though far less intense than last week. I write this week’s ROW80 update while in the midst of an impromptu Hugh Jackman mini-marathon. I am refreshing my memory of his filmography circa 2001: Someone Like You, Kate and Leopold, and if I can stay awake, X-Men. It is “research” for the Hugh-themed posts I have planned for my birthday month of February… or so I keep telling myself. πŸ˜€

I’ve hit just about all of my goals for the week, though I didn’t attack them with the same fervor from last week. That was partly due to the weather — Monday was super rainy and dark, and I stayed inside and had a “manflesh”-themed movie marathon (The Two Towers, 300, and Gladiator), and the last few days have been like summer in January, with absolutely perfect beach weather. Thursday was my work-at-the-beach day, yesterday was a grading-at-Starbucks day, and today was all about cleaning my apartment. Still, I managed to get things done.

Here’s my week in review:

Writing: I made it to all of this week’s ROW80 writing sprints, and while I had a few slow days, I wrote a handful of new scenes for my steampunk WIP. There’s still lots of work to be done with outlining and plotting and the like, so in the week to come, my goal is to make planning a priority. However, I can’t be too disappointed with my output for the week: 5705 words. Not too shabby!

Day Job: My thesis advisor gave me the green light on my draft, and I’ve sent it off to the other members of my committee. The early word is that I should be able to defend by the end of the quarter (early March). In addition, my advisor sent along her initial feedback. Overall, it’s positive, with observations of my “stunningly beautiful prose” and my intellectual contributions. However, she has a number of critiques for me to keep in mind for the future of the project, including any articles I may write.

I’ve been a little angsty about the critiques, if only because they remind me of all the work that still needs to be done in order for me to create scholarly work that is worthy of publication. I’ve also been more than a little stressed because I’m going to have to take over my advisor’s class for a couple of weeks, since she will be out of town on a family emergency. I’ve guest-lectured before, but this… this will require lots of planning and lecture-writing and whatnot. I have a few days to pull together the first class (on WWII-era cinema and women’s roles in the military), but I’m definitely a little nervous. Cross your fingers that I survive!

Social Time: I saw Underworld: AwakeningΒ with my friend Melissa last Sunday, and I was supposed to go to a birthday party last night, but it got canceled… until the cancellation was retracted a couple of hours later, when I was already in pjs with a stack of rented movies to watch. But I’m off to see HaywireΒ tomorrow, which should be exciting, as I’m hearing lots of great things about it.

Exercise: I worked out 4 times this week, and I’ve been on track with my healthy meals and snacks. I treated myself to In-n-Out on Thursday, and grabbed an Its-It yesterday since it was hot, but the good news is that the taste of fast food hasn’t left me with crazy cravings for more. I’m still eating at least one salad a day, and my need for snacking has decreased big time. Better yet, the at-home Pilates is getting easier, and I can once again touch my toes without feeling too sore. Progress!

50/50 Challenge: I read Angela Wallace’s ELEMENTAL MAGIC this week, a lovely urban fantasy/paranormal romance that I really enjoyed. I also discovered Redbox and rented a whole bunch of movies, including Crazy, Stupid, LoveΒ (I think I FINALLY understand the Ryan Gosling obsession now), the 2011 Conan the Barbarian (Jason Momoa’s bare bottom is probably the only good thing about the film), and Real SteelΒ (ohhhhh, so good, and Hugh has STILL got it. So.Damn.Hot.). I’m 10 books ahead of schedule, and a few movies ahead too, so that’s nice.


In case you missed it, our beloved #teamsprinty, the ROWers who sprint together on weekdays (11 am PST!), were featured in my “Wicked Wednesday” post, which was a battle between two of Orlando Bloom’s beloved characters, Legolas Greenleaf from The Lord of the RingsΒ and Will Turner from Pirates of the Caribbean. At the moment, Team Elf is winning with 10 votes, followed by those of you unable to choose between (7 votes). Team Pirate is trailing with only 6 votes. If you’re inclined, head over and cast your vote today, or just pop over and check out the comments. They are probably the most entertaining and hilarious I’ve ever received on the blog.

Don’t forget to swing by and visit the rest of our wonderful ROW80 participants!

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  1. Sounds like you had a great week Lena!!! Excellent. I’m soooo going to check out your Team Elf vs. Team Pirate now!
    Nicole Basaraba recently posted..Book Review: A Summer in Europe by Marilyn BrantMy Profile

  2. You’ve had a really productive week again. Good luck with the classes, I know you can do it πŸ™‚
    Sarah Pearson recently posted..Musical Stories 26: WarMy Profile

  3. Awesome job on the word count, Lena. I’m glad the thesis is moving ahead smoothly, somehow I knew it would. I also think you’ll do a spectacular job lecturing and I’m a bit jealous of the students that will get to experience “Lena live” *smile*

    By the way, you are so right about the 2011 Conan. It was an obvious marketing endeavor and should be stricken from the movie records. Just can’t beat the Arnonator.

    Have a great week, Lena πŸ™‚
    Gene Lempp recently posted..High Crusade & ROWdate 1-29My Profile

    • Thanks so much, Gene, and I’m totally LOL’ing at the idea of the “Lena experience.” I’ve been thinking that one day (if I ever figure out how), I’m going to try making a vlog so everyone else can get the experience as well. πŸ˜‰

      I have to admit, I still haven’t seen the original Conan! I know, it is disgraceful, and I’ll have to rectify matters at some point. But ugh, I figured the 2011 reboot would be bad, but this… it was dismal. It’s actually one of the few movies where I tried to figure out exactly what the geography of the world was like, because it seemed like they just bounced back and forth between all these different cities in the span of a day or two. Ugh.

      Have a great week as well, Gene!

  4. Great week!
    How was the fourth Underworld movie? I’m kinda skeptical about that one.
    Oh, and Real Steel – I cried, I laughed, I cried some more. LOVED IT!
    Btw, I’m Team Elf AND Team Pirate LOL
    I hope your next week is as great as this past one πŸ˜‰
    Juliana Haygert recently posted..ROW80 Checkin 01/25My Profile

    • The 4th Underworld movie was actually a lot shorter than I expected (only an hour and a half). It’s entertaining, but not super deep… and of course it ends with a cliffhanger for a possible 5th film. The first one is still my favorite, though.

      Also, I am SO glad to know that I am not the only one who cried during Real Steel. I really only watched it so I could ogle Hugh’s tush in his jeans (mmm), and because I have a life-long commitment to watch every Hugh film made, and I was actually embarrassed by how teary-eyed I got.

  5. Well done to you. And good luck for the lectures. I taught psychology to A’Level students for 6 months and hated it. It’s a calling they say. I’m way too mousy to head a class, though.

    I loved the Underworld movie. Saw that last week. And yep – the Ryan Gosling obsession really sprang into action for me with Crazy, Stupid Love, too. Watch Driver. He’s great in that too: silent but deadly – grrr!

    I’m participating in fiftyfifty.me too, my progress is at the end of ROWers. You are way ahead of me on books however.

    Good luck for the coming week. X
    shah wharton recently posted..ROW80 29/1 and fiftyfifty.me Challenge UpdatesMy Profile

    • Thanks so much, Shah! The lecturing thing really does require a lot of energy. I’m a bit of an introvert, but I also like being in front of people and talking (I wanted to be an actress when I was little, lol), so it works for me. πŸ˜€

      I’ve heard really great things about Driver! I’ll have to add it to my Netflix queue. I can always use more hot man-energy in my life, lol.

  6. Mmmmm….great picture! Yummy! I couldn’t quite bring myself to immediately scroll down through the rest of your post! LOL. You are doing a great job with your goals, it sounds like! Congratulations, and keep it up!
    April Plummer recently posted..Content Warning!!!! You May Spit Out Your CoffeeMy Profile

    • Haha, I had a feeling that picture might make it a little difficult for some of you. I seriously couldn’t resist, though. I am more than a little excited for my Hugh-travaganza coming up in February. πŸ˜‰

      Have a wonderful week!

  7. fingers crossed – but you’ll be great i’m sure – word count yay – theseis coming along yay and hold tight to sanity you’ll be producing work for acedemia so soon.

    good week

    all the best for coming week
    alberta ross recently posted..We are very excited! ROW80My Profile

    • Whee, thanks so much, Alberta! I get the feeling my academic publications might happen way before my fiction ones ever do, but I’ll keep plugging along with both. πŸ˜€

      Have a wonderful week!

  8. Oh Lena, that picture…the things that are coming!! Bravo for keeping up with all of your goals. You’re really kicking some BOOTAY!

    I agree with Juliana about being both Team Elf and Team Pirate, but I have a feeling if you would have made that a choice that would have won LOL.

    Good luck with the lecture!! You are braver than I – I’d say ok class, screw it, we’re watching Pearl Harbor today πŸ˜€
    Lauren Garafalo recently posted..January 29, 2012 – ROW80 Check InMy Profile

    • Squee, isn’t the picture all too fierce? I have to admit that I have a stash of Hugh pictures on my external drive that I have been saving up for roughly, oh, 10 years now, and choosing among them is always a challenge. πŸ˜€

      Oh man, Pearl Harbor… I would totally show it, if my prof didn’t already have the movie picked out, lol.

      Thanks for swinging by, my lovely!

  9. Absolutely love the picture. Verra inspiring! You cracked me up at “manflesh” marathon. I LOVE it!

    Congrats on doing so well! I hope this week is just as productive.

    Keep Writing!
    Dawn Montgomery recently posted..What do I know?My Profile

    • Bwahaha, I’m so happy that there are others in the world who appreciate my manflesh marathon. Sometimes a gal just has to indulge, you know what I mean? πŸ˜‰

      Have a wonderful week as well!

  10. Great week, with all your progress! Also congrats on getting to the next step on your thesis. Here’s to another great week!
    Jennette Marie Powell recently posted..ROW80:Too MuchMy Profile

  11. Sounds like you had a productive week! Impressed with your word count. Hope next week is just as good for you! πŸ™‚

    • Thanks, Annalise! Not sure how many of the words I’ve written will make it into the final product, but it’s good to have them around nonetheless. πŸ˜‰

  12. You are on fire my dear! With work commitments ramping up you are taking it in your stride and I am sure you will be great as whenever you write you are interesting and then same I am sure will go for your lecturing πŸ™‚

    Love all the movies you are watching and I just cannot decide on the elf vs pirate. It is tough. But thank you for the photo of Hugh, very pleasant surprise!

    ps. Are you an Aquarius? We could be star sign sisters!
    Em recently posted..ROW80 Check-in 29th January 2012My Profile

  13. Fantastic week kicking butt on all your goals Lena – wowzers! That is a lot of words…and great news on your thesis draft. It’s always nerve wracking to get feedback but it’ll only help you make the publication that much stronger.
    Good luck teaching – you will do FAB I know it!!
    Here’s to keeping the fantastic momentum!!
    Natalie Hartford recently posted..ROW80 – Round 1 – check-in 8My Profile

  14. I’m jealous. Hubby and I have been trying to rent Real Steel for two days, and it’s always out. And that’s a really yummy pic of Hugh Jackman. Thanks for that Eye Candy!

    Great job on goals this past week.

    Now I’m going to go over to the post about Orlando Bloom. Because I based the looks of one of my characters in Starfane on him. πŸ˜‰
    Lauralynn Elliott recently posted..ROW80 Check In 1/29/12My Profile

  15. Great week, Lena, even if you feel it lacked the same fervor as last week. Love the rainy manflesh appreciation afternoon. ( I appreciated something quite nice from that category on my blog today…lol)..and the reading indulgences. Sounds to me like a perfect week. Congrats on the go-ahead with your thesis.
    Nadja Notariani recently posted..A Return Of SortsMy Profile

  16. Great week for you!! Congrats on getting the green light on your thesis!! I’m dying to see the new Underworld. I didn’t realize it had opened.

    Have another great week of writing!!
    Natasha recently posted..A Writer, The Big Apple and the Great EscapeMy Profile

  17. Awesome progress this week, Lena. I love the photo, BTW. And I have to admit that I am one of those votes that keep the Elf ahead of the pirate.

    I need to watch Real Steel and Angela Wallace’s book is on my list to read really soon! πŸ™‚

    Have a fantastic weekend. Any new stilettos in your closet?

  18. Ah, I so want to get back to sprints! But right now I’m editing, which doesn’t lend itself to word counts. 😐 Maybe I can join you guys again somewhere down the road …

    Congrats on all your progress and have a great week!
    Ruth Nestvold recently posted..Never Ever After, Monkeys, and an InterviewMy Profile

  19. Can you just not believe the weather? It’s nicer now than in the summer. What’s up?

    You had a fabulous week Lena! Awesome week. And when is it not a good time to watch a Hugh Jackman movie? Ah, handsome. *sighs*

    Well I know that you are facing a challenging week, so may the force be with you girl! πŸ™‚
    Karen McFarland recently posted..ROW80: Kicking and Screaming!My Profile

  20. Just reading what you’ve accomplished this week…and what’s still on your schedule…makes me wish I’d slept in this morning! Keep up the awesome work, Lena. And I have to say….Team Pirate. Something about an elf just isn’t all that sexy to me. πŸ™‚
    Kristy K. James recently posted..Monday Mail Call, Meet ColbyMy Profile

  21. So great to read your check in. I think I will re-read it on Tuesday to remind myself to check in on a more positive light than I have been feeling during our sprint today.

    You rock!!
    Julie Jordan Scott recently posted..A Deep Breath of Nothing: When Writing Sprints Become Anti-Writing Sprints #row80 #teamsprintyMy Profile

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