Lena Corazon

Flights of Fancy

ROW80: Winding Down

It’s difficult to believe that Christmas is only one week away, New Year’s Eve a scant two weeks away, and that this round of ROW80 is rapidly coming to a close. It’s been a packed and busy 80 days, but I’ve managed to get a lot done.

There were my original goals:

Write, edit, and polish the MA thesis, 8-10 hours/week.

Outcome: The thesis will be finished as soon as I tack on an introduction and conclusion (which is happening today). My time schedule didn’t always work out, however, and I’ve found that it’s easier to work on research when the mood strikes me. It’s not the most organized way to go about projects, but right now, it seems to be the way I’m operating. For those of you who are interested, I wrote some reflections about my thesis-writing process, and how it compares with the way that I write fiction. Surprisingly, I’ve found that the two aren’t all that different.

Write, edit, and develop WIPs, 8-10 hours/week. 

Outcome: This mostly worked the way I wanted. The 8-10 hours/week came in handy during October, when I was focused on plotting and planning for NaNoWriMo. Of course, once November rolled around, the timeframe went out of the window and I more or less wrote every day (and I won NaNo! I’m still tickled pink.). I think that may be my goal for next round: do something writing-related every day.

Overall, I now have 2 novels that are sitting on my computer, mostly-finished and unpolished. Moving forward, my priority will be to finish them before taking on any new projects.

Tinker with author platform/social media stuff.

Outcome: Kristen Lamb’s class was absolutely fantastic, and I not only learned a lot, but I made lots of new friends in the process. I decided to try a MWF schedule, which I’ve been rather mediocre at keeping. I think this past week is the first that I’ve managed to post something on all three days. What I’m learning is that I actually need to write my blogs before I try to do anything else, which seems a trifle backwards, but if I save blogging for last, I’m usually too tired to write all that much.

Exercise 4-5 times each week.

Outcome: This was my weak spot. I slacked off more than once, so now I’m trying to play catch-up. The best part about being home is that I have my mom around to whip me into shape — she’s also on a health kick (she recently learned that her cholesterol levels are really high), so now we’re workout buddies. She also makes sure that nothing too sugary or fatty enters the house, which makes my life a lot easier. Hopefully I can build up some good habits while I’m home that can carry me through when I return back to SB.

And that’s Round 4!

Overall, lots of positives, with a few misses here and there, but I don’t feel too terribly about that. For next round, I think I want to add a blog-reading goal. I definitely didn’t make it around to as many ROWers as I wanted to this round, which really bums me out, but next round (which coincides with my winter quarter for school) should be a little less overwhelming.

Don’t forget to check up on the other ROWers this week, and wish them well as we wind down Round 4!

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  1. You won’t check-in again Wednesday or Thursday?
    I’m glad you got everything you wanted! Yay for meeting your goals =) Superb job!
    I’m also glad to hear you’ll come back for the next round!
    Have a nice week 😉
    Juliana Haygert recently posted..#ROW80 Checkin 12-18My Profile

  2. Why is it that exercise is always our weak spot? I know it’s mine!

    Congratulations for doing so well with your goals! It’s hard to believe Round Four is almost over.
    Lauralynn Elliott recently posted..ROW80 Check In 12/18/11My Profile

  3. I think you did great! You’ve gotten things done and learned things AND you have your mom as your personal trainer:)

    I’m feeling bitter-sweet about this end, I might take the next ROW round off…don’t know.
    Amy Kennedy recently posted..Yikes! A Late Check-inMy Profile

  4. Congrats on meeting your goals. I would love to hear what you learned about fiction and non fiction being similar.
    Ali Dent recently posted..Christmas: A Season for WaitingMy Profile

  5. You did really well on hitting most of your goals! Exercise is my weakness too. I need up that up… though with all the holiday goodies around, I think it would only be doing damage control. (Though I will admit, I NEED damage control lol!)

    Having your mom team up as a workout buddy is brilliant. Hopefully it helps to keep you both motivated.
    Sadie Hart recently posted..Six Sentence Sunday – Hounded #2My Profile

  6. I know what you mean about exercise… I have enough trouble staying disciplined enough to just do my knee rehabilitation exercises every day, let alone general exercise. Oh well, that can be my new years resolution lol

    Congrats on the thesis, if you can finish it today you’ll be able to have a nice relax. Good luck for the rest of Round 4!
    Rebecca J Fleming recently posted..ROW80 Round 4 – 10th UpdateMy Profile

  7. Lena, more great progress this round! Good luck with the polishing phase on your two books. I’m at exactly the opposite place; finished two, and now finishing the first draft on one and outlining the book I’ll write in Round 1. Such different processes! I’m surprised how I can fit in writing a first draft easier than editing and polishing, because a first draft doesn’t actually take as much focus — in fact, sometimes not being able to focus on it actually helps. Huh. The brain is weird.

    Happy holidays! Hope you have a restful, refreshing break. 🙂

  8. I think you’ve done really well, you’ve pretty much managed t o stay on top of everything. More to the point, you’ve recognised what doesn’t really work and are trying to fix it. Go, you 🙂
    Sarah Pearson recently posted..Musical Stories 22: YAMy Profile

  9. Wow – I think you had a fantastic ROW80! I am so impressed – 2 novels ready and waiting for you to tweak to your heart’s content – fun! And love adding a blog-reading goal. Woot woot! Here’s to 2012 and ROW80!
    Natalie recently posted..Naughty & Nice: confessions of a reformed bad-a$$My Profile

  10. Exercise must must MUST be on my ROW 80 goal list next year. If you don’t see it I give you permission to tell me off!

    Well done on everything you have achieved….with campNaNoWriMo you technically won NaNo twice this year, I wonder how many people can say that!

    Have a fantastic Christmas!!
    Em recently posted..ROW80 Check-in 18th DecemberMy Profile

  11. Wow, Lena, you’ve been busy busy busy. It’s impressive how much you’ve accomplished.
    Yolanda Early recently posted..Lazy Row 80 Check-inMy Profile

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