Lena Corazon

Flights of Fancy

Monday Inspirations: Don’t Steal Corn From a Porcupine

Today’s Monday Inspirations is more on the unrepentantly silly side. It’s my first day back to school after the holiday weekend, I’m still a little drowsy from all the tryptophan and my ridiculously long drive yesterday. I needed a little laugh out loud funny to start my morning off right, and oh boy, I found it over on Jezebel.

Folks, porcupines make ridiculously adorable Disney creature noises. And they eat corn. And woe betide the person who tries to stealΒ their corn, because they will grab at it with their tiny little fingers, and emit high-pitched noises of fury and protest.

I am sure they will also attack with prickly quills, but I don’t care. I now need one in my life, and I will endure the threat of prickles with absolute delight.

So let the cutesy woodland creature inspire your day as you struggle through the post-turkey-and-football coma! I am, er, off to find a porcupine to steal borrow befriend.


  1. I swear he said “my corn”! lol. Too freakin’ cute.
    Melinda recently posted..Book Review: Working Stiff, by Rachel CaineMy Profile

  2. That’s so cute I want to hug the little creature. Had no idea anything made noise like that
    Emilia Quill recently posted..Support Four Debut Authors and Snag $125!My Profile

  3. Lena it’s good to see that you’ve recharged! That was funny! But I’m not going to hug the thing. Ouch! πŸ™‚
    Karen McFarland recently posted..Trains, Rails and Puppy Dog TalesMy Profile

    • Yes, I had a great trip home! I think I’m ready to do a final sprint towards the finish line for school.

      I would be so tempted to hug that porcupine… but those quills. They hold me back every time. πŸ˜‰

  4. That’s hilarious! Can’t wait to show my daughter when she gets home from school. She’ll love this!
    Ginger Calem recently posted..Thanksgiving or Grocery Derby??My Profile

  5. That’s an amazing videoclip. It sounded like Alvin and The Chipmunks. At first I wondered if someone was making those noises to sound like it was coming from the porcupine! Adorable little fella!
    Lynn Kelley recently posted..Raising TeenagersMy Profile

  6. SO cute! I want one. They do make ridiculously cute Disney noises, who knew!?!

    My husband’s aunt works with a few rescue organizations and often has critters around her house ~ at Thanksgiving she brought out an opossum and dang if those things aren’t the cutest little buggers. She let the little kids feed him some grapes and it was hilarious. Not as cute as your porcupine, but almost. I want an opossum now, too.

    Happy Monday, Lena!
    Tameri Etherton recently posted..A Lesson LearnedMy Profile

    • Oh gosh, I saw an opposum when I was driving home one night — it was frolicking in the street, and its eyes glowed all red and scary in my headlights. I bet they really are adorable creatures otherwise, but this one scared the heck out of me. πŸ™‚

  7. That is fantastic! How cute is that?!?
    Thanks for making me smile today πŸ™‚
    Melissa Pearl recently posted..Book TrailersMy Profile

  8. Who knew porcupines were so cute?? omg πŸ™‚
    Coleen Patrick recently posted..Questioning the Power of PositivityMy Profile

  9. OMG, I can’t believe that person was brave enough to get so close to a porcupine. I’d be afraid of being sprayed with quills. Yikes! What a great Monday afternoon treat, Lena!

  10. ADORABLE!!! I agree, I must have one…that little voice is the sweetest thing I’ve ever heard! Thanks for totally making my night…awwww!!!
    Natalie recently posted..Public displays of affection gone wild???My Profile

  11. Ever been hooked by quills? No? Well, they’re barbed, and if it ever happens, remember to cut the ends off with scissors first. They come out a lot easier that way.
    Voice of Experience.
    Prudence MacLeod recently posted..Why I do What I doMy Profile

    • Yiiiikes, they’re barbed? I will definitely keep that in mind, Prudence, in case I ever run across an angry porcupine. And now I really want to know the story behind all this!

  12. LOL! I am such a sucker for cute animals. Even ones with quills! Though, this one is cutest on video or far away. πŸ™‚ Thanks for the chuckle.


    • I swear, I spend way too much time online looking at cute animal videos. There’s nothing better for brightening up the day.

      Thanks for stopping by, Lynette!

  13. Lena,
    too much fun, I translate for you “keep you hands off my damn corn, bitch!” This critter reminds me of my dog when you try to take her favorite toy away. Nice post. Now get back to work! πŸ˜‰

  14. Aw… Does that sound come in a ring tone?? πŸ˜‰ Way too adorable. Thanks for the porcupine-sunshine, Lena!
    August McLaughlin recently posted..Daniel Palmer on Writing, Success & the Dog that Saved his CareerMy Profile

  15. I want one now! Why can’t I have this guy living in the back yard instead of all the rabbits and squirrels? SO darn cute!
    Debra Kristi recently posted..Immortal Monday ~ The God of Thunder * Badass ThorMy Profile

    • I’m totally having Snow White-esque fantasies that involve me becoming best friends with an adorable porcupine that magically doesn’t stab me with its quills. πŸ˜‰

  16. OMG the cuteness in that video is unbelieveable! Thanks for sharing!
    Jennette Marie Powell recently posted..My Town Monday: Doorway to DominationMy Profile

  17. Too cute! who knew they could talk? or that they loved corn?
    Louise Behiel recently posted..Wild Weather in the Canadian WestMy Profile

  18. Love this vid. So much.

    I passed the Liebster Blog Award on to you today, girlie! Come by and see! http://myndishafer.wordpress.com/2011/12/06/giddy-the-liebster-blog-award/
    Myndi Shafer recently posted..Giddy: The Liebster Blog AwardMy Profile

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