If things look a little strange around Flights of Fancy, don’t worry — it’s not your imagination. I’ve done a bit of tweaking here and there to officially introduce my new pen name, Lena Corazon.
I’m utilizing WordPress’s Site Redirect service, which means that you can continue to utilize the old links for my original blog (jamilajamison.wordpress.com), but they will automatically be rerouted to the new site. The service will last for a year, so there’s not a huge rush to change up your links/RSS feeds, etc. All the same, you’ll want to update things over eventually.
If you glance over at the sidebar, you’ll notice that I’ve added some shiny new buttons linked to my other social media profiles, including an option for the very nifty Google Friend Connect and a badge for my Facebook author page. Feel free to join my horde of zombie followers merry band of friends, using whichever medium you most enjoy.
The process of exporting my WordPress blog to a self-hosted site has been mostly smooth. You’ll notice that my old username remains for any comments that I wrote prior to the Grand Renaming — slightly confusing and a little irritating, because I thought I could get rid of that, but whatevs. Otherwise, everything should work the way it’s supposed to function. If there are issues, leave me a comment and I’ll look into it.
Hopefully you all get used to the new name! I’ll happily answer to either Lena or Jamila, so pick whichever one you prefer. 😀