Lena Corazon

Flights of Fancy

Writers’ Platform-Building Campaign

Okay, I know I should’ve posted a Monday Inspirations blog today, but I spent two days straight working on my thesis, and my brain was way too close to short-circuiting to even consider penning one.  So Monday Inspirations will resume next week (and hopefully I’ll come up with a topic by then!  I was considering a post on robots, but we’ll see where the muse takes me).

However, I did want to highlight Rachael Harrie’s Writers’ Platform-Building Campaign, which begins today and goes through October 31st.  As Rachael describes, the Campaign is “a way to link writers, aspiring authors, beginner bloggers, industry people, and published authors together with the aim of helping to build our online platforms.”

I’ve signed up for a few groups on the list of campaigners (you’ll find me under Adult Fiction, Fantasy, and Paranormal Romance), and I’m excited to get to know my fellow Campaigners.  Writing friends, I encourage you to get involved as well!


  1. Greetings fellow campaigner! Been cruising your site and I must say, I’m loving that peacock at the top more and more. Great angle.
    You got some interesting WIPs too. The second one sounds the most intriguing. Must be the peacocks. ^_^

    • Thanks so much for stopping by! I must admit, I am slightly obsessed with peacocks, so integrating them into the WIP and the site banner was a bit of a selfish decision. Writing’s all about having fun, right? :p

  2. Hi, fellow Write Campaigner! Is this your first time participating in a campaign? I’m a newbie at this myself. 🙂

  3. Hello partner in crime, sorry, campaign, nice to have met you! Thanks for stopping by my blog, I’m glad to see another wordpress user! 🙂
    – andrea

    • Haha, I love the ideas of being partners in crime! And yes, I noticed that there seem to be a lot more Blogger users than WordPress ones. It’s nice to be able to use a familiar interface. 😀

      Looking forward to getting to know you!

  4. Thesis?! Just the thought of one makes my brain shut down!

    So nice to meet you, and thanks for stopping by my blog!

    • Yes, sometimes my brain wants to go off and hide in a little corner somewhere when confronted with the thesis. But the project is coming along, so I’m not nearly as panicked as I have been in the past.

      Wonderful to meet you as well!

  5. I’m a fellow Campaigner, new to blogging and new to following the dream…I look forward to reading more from you!

  6. Hi Jamila, I linked over here from the list of campaigners. Nice to meet you, and I look forward to reading more of your posts!

  7. Hello there, fellow Campaigner! Nice to meetcha. I, too, am loving the peacock theme – they are gorgeous, aren’t they? Anyhoo, looking forward to campaigning with you! 🙂

  8. I loved working on my dissertation, (that’s like a thesis, right?) it was my favourite part of uni!

    Hello from a fellow new campaigner 🙂

    • Indeed, they’re both similar (I think the only difference is length). I’ll be doing a dissertation after this… ah, the joys of graduate school. :p

      Looking forward to the campaign!

  9. Hello. Just popping in to say hi. I look forward to reading more of your posts (when I have some time…at the moment I’m just introducing myself around).

  10. Newbie campaigner here, too! I shudder at the thought of a thesis, you poor thing! Look forward to getting to know you.

    • Hi Julie! Yes, yes, the thesis… On my good days, I love it, and on my not-so-good-days, I tend to pretend that it doesn’t exist. :p

      Looking forward to chatting more!

  11. Yay, another WordPress Campaigner! Love your blog, Jamila – especially your Life List.

  12. Hi Jamila – Thanks for stopping by my blog to say hello. Your blog is lovely. It’s my first time doing the campaign and already I am loving it! I’ll be back to visit soon.

  13. Hi fellow campaigner. You sound like one busy girl. I’m in your adult fiction group. Hope we get to interact some!


  14. I’ve followed you on twitter,I’m @pichetsinparis.

  15. Hi Jamila, just saying hello from a fellow campaigner! Looking forward to get to know you better throughout our campaign 🙂

  16. Thanks for swinging by my blog to introduce yourself. So great to meet you. I’m looking forward to the campaign and to being on the same team.

  17. Hi Jamila. Just joined the Campaigners, too! Looking forward to it.

  18. Hi Jamilla,

    Fellow campaigner and new subscriber stopping by to say hello!

  19. Thanks for dropping by my blog! Following you on Twitter too.

  20. Hi fellow campaigner!

    Good luck on your thesis, and I look forward to getting to know you in the campaign!

  21. Yay! We are in the same Campaigning group! 😀

  22. Hi there! I’m trying this campaign thing out. Nice to meet another adult fantasy writer!

  23. Ah HAH! I know you already! Looks like we’re in the same campaign group as well as sharing sins and virtues.

  24. meradethhouston

    August 24, 2011 at 2:18 pm

    Swinging by from the campaign and enjoyed your blog! Nice to meet you!

  25. Hey there, fellow campaigner! We’re in the same group so I wanted to say hi! Looking forward to campaigning with you 😀

  26. Hi there. Making the rounds in my Campaign group for fantasy writing. Beautiful blog!

  27. Your blog is my first stop this morning on the campaign. It’s nice to meet you.

  28. Just wanted to drop in and say “Hello” from a fellow campaigner! I’m in your Beginner Blogger group. Looking forward to following your blog. 🙂

  29. Greetings from a fellow fantasy campaigner! I look forward to learning more about you and your writing. I’m a peacock fan as well. Love their forlorn cry and the gorgeous spread of colorful feathers. See you around on the campaign trail!

    • David, thanks so much for swinging by! And you’re right about peacocks — that “forlorn cry,” as you put it, is so haunting. Looking forward to connecting during the campaign. 😀

  30. Hi fellow campaigner! Nice to meet you.

  31. Jamila, if you follow me back on Twitter I can DM you.

  32. Hello,

    I’m making my rounds through my Campaigner groups. Nice to meet you 🙂

  33. Saying hello as to fellow campaigners and you’re right…writing is about having fun:-)

    • Glad to hear that you share my belief! I think it’s so easy to get bogged down in the stress of edits and rewrites and trying to publish that we forget about taking joy in the creative aspects of things.

      Looking forward to getting to know you over the next few weeks. 😀

  34. I’m a fellow campaigner too. A little late but no less enthusiastic.

  35. Wow, you have had a lot of visitors!

    I saw your twitter link on the side and I’m following you now 🙂

    See you around the campaign field

  36. As a soldier in the writing campaign, I salute you. Also, it’s good to see another Bay Area fantasy writer. I look forward to learning more about the Path to the Peacock Throne. I found that nothing inspired me to write more than science lectures, and perhaps you find this true in your sociology studies. Perhaps your thesis even makes you yearn to write stories, but I bet your sociology degree will give you insight that will help construct fascinating cultures and characters in your novels.

    Best wishes on your writing.

    • Hello! It’s so glad to meet you. Yes, you’re right — the sociology degree is inordinately helpful when it comes to world-building and considering both cultures and characters. I’m excited to chat more during the course of the campaign!

  37. Jamila ~ I joined up in the Campaign! I love the idea, and I’m looking forward to the challenges, too. Glad you posted your link. ~ Nadja

  38. Hello there! Nice to meet you and thanks for popping in on my blog!

  39. Hello fellow campaigner! It’s nice to meet you! I’m not in your campaign group but decided to stop by!

  40. Hey Jamila! I wanted to let you know that my book is published! I’m offering it for free this weekend! Stop by my blog to grab the coupon! ~ Nadja

  41. Hello fellow campaigner 🙂 I’m with you on the Byronic heroes, totally!

    • Gah, aren’t they amazing? I have such a week spot for brooding anti-heroes. I just want to give them a hug and make them feel better (and fall in love with me), lol. Thanks for stopping by!

  42. Thank you again Jamila for the Liebster Award – here is the link to my blog post w/ my 5 picks:


  43. Greetings, fellow campaigner. Looks like you’re a busy woman, indeed, with three novels in progress AND flash fiction to boot!

    Looking forward to reading more on your blog.

  44. Debbie Johansson

    September 5, 2011 at 8:59 pm

    Hi Jamila. Another campaigner here – we’re in the same paranormal group. I’m looking forward to seeing more of your posts during the campaign. Pleased to meet you!

  45. Just popping in to say hello to a fellow campaigner. We’re in the same beginner bloggers group. See you on the trails!

  46. I gave you an award on my blog today ;0)

  47. Hello felllow campaigner!

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