Okay, I know I should’ve posted a Monday Inspirations blog today, but I spent two days straight working on my thesis, and my brain was way too close to short-circuiting to even consider penning one. So Monday Inspirations will resume next week (and hopefully I’ll come up with a topic by then! I was considering a post on robots, but we’ll see where the muse takes me).
However, I did want to highlight Rachael Harrie’s Writers’ Platform-Building Campaign, which begins today and goes through October 31st. As Rachael describes, the Campaign is “a way to link writers, aspiring authors, beginner bloggers, industry people, and published authors together with the aim of helping to build our online platforms.”
I’ve signed up for a few groups on the list of campaigners (you’ll find me under Adult Fiction, Fantasy, and Paranormal Romance), and I’m excited to get to know my fellow Campaigners. Writing friends, I encourage you to get involved as well!