Lena Corazon

Flights of Fancy

Day: August 11, 2011

Seven Virtues Flash Fiction: Patience

It’s time for another round of flash fiction!  This time, the inspiration comes from the fifth of the Seven Virtues, Patience.

Today’s offering is a sliver taken from one of my WIPs, Strange Bedfellows.  Check it out, leave feedback if you’re so inclined, and don’t forget to visit the other participants in the Seven Virtues challenge, #7Virtues on Twitter.


“Worth Waiting For”

Dinner was an interminable affair.  Alaia was lingering deliberately, Lucius knew, an attempt to tease and taunt him.  She had played such games before, but this time he endured with quiet equanimity.  Instead, he listened to their guest’s stories with feigned sincerity, supped quietly and sipped his wine. It was sweet torture every time he met Alaia’s eye, delicious agony whenever she favored him with a smile, secret and teasing.  Promises lurked in the depths of her eyes, but he forced himself to turn away.  He would have his revenge later, and it would be worth waiting for.

Introducing Thesis Thursdays

PhD Comics: "Relationship Status"

So in the midst of juggling all my blogging-writing-thesisizing crazy, I totally let this post slip by the wayside and accidentally posted a barely-finished draft this morning (note to self: do not schedule posts unless they are 100% complete).  This, my friends, is the downside of multi-tasking.

At any rate, here I am.  My name is Lena, and I happen to be an academic — a sociologist, to be exact.  I have been in trying to write a MA thesis for almost four years, and I am finally seeing the light at the end of the proverbial tunnel.  By the end of September I should have a complete draft in hand, and by December I should have that draft all shiny, pretty, and ready to be defended.   

One of the difficulties of scholarly research is the highly limited audience.  Because of the nature of the work (jargon-y terms, specialized knowledge, etc.), as well as the publications where it’s eventually found (academic journals that can only be accessed through university libraries or personal subscription), it’s easy to feel as though one is writing for only a handful of people.  In my case, my guaranteed readers are the three members of my committee, a couple of friends, and maybe my parents.

Okay, so *sometimes* academic jargon can be deciphered. Source: PhD Comics, "Deciphering Academese"

But I like to share the things that I’ve learned, and after almost four years, my brain is bursting at the seams with fascinating facts, historical tidbits, and other odds and ends that I’ve acquired.  So every Thursday until I defend my thesis, I’ll be offering these wee shining jewels of knowledge for public consumption.

The Project.

By this point, I’m sure you’re scratching your head and asking, “But Lena, what exactly is this magical, wonderful thesis about?  What exactly are you trying to study?”

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