Lena Corazon

Flights of Fancy

Kicking off ROW80 with Goals, a Party, and Vintage Cocktails

Welcome back, ROWers! Round 2 of ROW80 is about to begin. Are your engines revved and ready to go?

For my friends and readers not in-the-know, ROW80 stands for A Round of Words in 80 Days, the “writing challenge that knows you have a life.” Better yet, it is comprised of a community of amazing writers who are some of the most supportive, hilarious, and creative folks that you’ll ever find, online or off.

I’m kicking off ROW80 with what is potentially the most amazing trifecta of awesomeness ever: my new goals for this round, details for our ROW80 party coming up on APRIL 4th, and some drinky-fun to get you in the mood.

First up: The Goals. I’m keeping it short and simple this time around.

1. Day Job: Refine my dissertation topic, and try to write 1000-1500 each week. This writing can take any form, including brainstorms, reading notes, and dissertation proposal drafts.

2. Writing: Finish TELL ME NO LIES, and try to write an average of 500 words each day.

3. Exercise: Work out 4-5 days each week, and continue to whittle down my sugar intake.

4. Social Media: Blog twice a week, and comment on at least 10 blogs each week.

And now, what you’ve been waiting for: the 411 on the upcoming ROW80 party! Even the Party Sloth is ready to rock.

  • Theme: “Throwback Party”
    Oh yes, we are going WAY back.  This party is a celebration of generations, music, and fashions.  We want you to come on Wednesday ready to kick it like you used to “back in the day.”  All outfits are welcome, Lena’s stirring up some munchies and beverages to last all night, and DJ Barbara will be spinning tunes for all decades.
  • Date: April 4, 12:01 AM to 11:59 PM EST in the U.S.
    This will also be the first day of Round Two check-in so there should be a bevy of ROW80 peeps and friends wandering around the blogosphere.
  • Party will be held at the #ROW80 hashtag.
    Include that in your Tweet and join in!
  • Blog with Photos Competition:
    From April 2 to April 8, we want you to keep the party going and post some “Throwback Party” ROW80 celebrations.  Just make sure to include some pics in the post that reflect the theme and let your party monster rage.  Whatever you want to do to work this into your post, go for it.  We trust you are a creative bunch.  Then, we’ll review them and decide on the best to spotlight in a post. 

To enter the blog competition:

  • Create a blog that reflects the “Throwback Party” theme.
  • Creativity is a plus as are great pictures.  We know there are some folks holding a treasure of pics showing them in their glory with bell bottom, platform shoes, biker, poodle skirts, and tie-dyed ponchos.
  • Lena and I will look at the comments on our ROW80 blogs for recommendations of top picks as well as review them all for inclusion of top picks/faves in a mashup and for your vote.
  • To enter the blog competition, click here (Link forthcoming).

My co-host, Barbara McDowell, is throwing down the jams to get you in the mood. I’ve got the drinks you’ll need to have you dancing on the tabletops with a lampshade on your head in no time. I LOVE vintage cocktails, so here are a few recipes to get you into that period mood.

A slippery nipple shooter

A slippery nipple shooter (Photo credit: Wikipedia)


Zagat has a great blog revisiting some of the cheesiest cocktails of the 1980s, but my favorite might have to be the Slippery Nipple (tee-hee). This new twist on the Sex on the Beach (what were people thinking when they named drinks in the 1980s?) also looks divine.


Gourmet has rounded up their favorite drinks from 1941-2009, and this selection from the 1970s is nothing short of fantastic. Their recipe for a Gin and Grapefruit Cocktail looks unbelievably refreshing.

Source: Mad Men Cocktails, AMC


These days, the 1960s has become synonymous with AMC’s hit show, Mad Men. Throw on your favorite 60s garb and take a swig of one of these drinks from the Mad Men cocktail guide. My personal favorite? The Blue Hawaiian — just look at that color!


According to In the Spirit, the liquor of choice during the 1950s was gin, my personal favorite. Get in the spirit with a Gin and Sin, or give this Gin Daisy a try.

Whiskey sour cocktail, Enmore, 2011.

Whiskey Sour, Enmore, 2011. (Source: Wikipedia)


Some of the classic drinks we know today originated in the 1940s, like the Sidecar, the Manhattan, and the Whiskey Sour. For something a little different, mix up a Mary Pickford or a Cugat Congo.

So go wild and crazy! Throw on your snazziest clothes, spin some party tunes, pour yourself a drink, and get thee to the ROW80 party this coming Wednesday. And don’t forget to enter the blog contest — we can’t wait to see what you all come up with!


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  1. Love the party. Can I get the real thing please? I will only be checking in on Sundays though. I still get to party, right? Since I wrote all my goals up at 3 in the morning mine are very short and basic. LOL Maybe I’ll put something together that looks much nicer like you have later. Maybe not. 😀
    Debra Kristi recently posted..Let The Games BeginMy Profile

  2. great stuff, don’t forget the Sloe Gin Fizzes, the Brandy Alexanders, and the Shirley Temples for those of us who just like our sugar sweet and not fermented. Good luck with your goals and best wishes on finding a dissertation topic that you can live with.
    Rachel recently posted..Lucky 7 Meme, 11 Questions — A Day of WeirdnessMy Profile

    • Good point, Rachel! There’s nothing like a Shirley Temple, especially when it has some tasty maraschino cherries for garnish. And thanks for the wishes for luck – I will need it!

  3. Is there anything more awesome than a sloth in a party hat?
    Sarah Pearson recently posted..A: AnniversaryMy Profile

  4. Fabulous goals Lena! Wishing you all the best with them.

    Looks like you have the party well in hand 🙂
    Raelyn Barclay recently posted..#ROW80 Round 2 GoalsMy Profile

  5. Karen McFarland

    April 1, 2012 at 3:15 pm

    Fantastic goals and party plans Lena! Now I am inspired! I, like Debra will not post until Sunday, but will try to join you all at #ROW80 on Wednesday! I love parties! Looking for to seeing you there! 🙂

    • We’ll be on the lookout for a post from you on Sunday! And I’m so excited to hang with you on Wednesday. It will be an absolute blast. 😀

  6. Man! I love me a good slippery nipple. I might have to see if I have the mixins for it and make one up.

    I’m not doing Row80, but I’ll be there rooting for all of you! The party sounds like a blast. Have fun and get down with your bad selves. Shake your groove thang, baby!
    Tameri Etherton recently posted..I’m super lucky and so are YOU!My Profile

    • I’m going to be making my way through this cocktail list in the weeks to come — they all sound so tasty. Thanks for stopping by, Tameri!

  7. Woo hoo! Love the cocktail kick off! I had the strongest cosmopolitan the other day….was very nice!!! I think I need more cocktails in my life 😉

    Glad to see all your wonderful focused goals….I too am hoping for a finished WIP by the end of this round, we can do it!!!
    Em recently posted..ROW80 Round 2 Goals!! 2nd April 2012My Profile

    • I love a good cosmo, and it’s been ages since I’ve had one (adding that to the to-do list). I used to hit up happy hour at least a couple times a month, but I’ve grown remiss in this practice. I’ll have to revive it now that it’s spring!

      I’m crossing my fingers for this finished WIP to happen!

  8. The party is sure to be a blast! Ha! My brother-in-law used to bartend and he’s made us plenty of ‘slippery-nipples’…too funny! As for drinks, I prefer Guinness over all else. My husband claims it tastes like burnt beer…haha. I don’t drink many mixed drinks – they’re usually too sweet for me. However, I do like a good Cosmopolitan once in awhile. A friend of ours who owns a local Irish Pub claims, ‘Cosmos are like a woman’s breasts, one isn’t enough and three is too many. Two is perfect.’
    Well, I got a kick out of it…Ha! (I suppose it doesn’t take much to amuse me… sorry ;}

    Best of everything in the new round, Lena!
    Nadja Notariani recently posted..The Third Fate ~ Confetti Pop!My Profile

    • Ohhhhh, I never, ever turn down a good pint of Guinness. I can always go for a nice cool beer (especially now that the weather seems to be warming up). And I think that is the perfect advice on cosmo drinking — two’s a charm. 😉

      Glad to tackle another round without you!

  9. Woot! A party! It’s gonna be awesome! Can’t wait to try those recipes!
    I’m sure you’re gonna kick ROW’s ass 😉

  10. Sounds like a great party! I’ll try to be there. Recipes sound great, and your goals are awesome. Will be cheering you on:)
    Stacy Green recently posted..Manic Monday: Row80 Round 2 Kickoff – DeterminationMy Profile

  11. Good luck with you goals! I’m glad a new round is starting. I got busy at the end of last round and since my biggest goals were completed, I slacked off. I’m excited to get myself back on a schedule.

  12. How exciting – I’m in !! Gotta go find things for my post now 🙂 Great gaols too btw – doable, but still enough of a challenge to count and build a sweat! X
    Shah Wharton recently posted..The Storyteller Writing Challenge – Plus POLLMy Profile

  13. Approved the wrong post to attach – not used to these wotzits! Sorry!
    Shah Wharton recently posted..ROW80 02/04 Challenge UpdatesMy Profile

  14. Sounds fun! I’ll definitely be stopping by. Drinks and tunes, that’s my kind of party.
    Great goals – looking forward to cheering you and the ROW80 team on!

  15. I feel the excitement in the air! 🙂 This just may be the best round ever.

    Good luck on your goals!
    Lauralynn Elliott recently posted..Beginning of ROW80 Round Two 2012My Profile

  16. Lena knows how to throw a party 😀 Love your goals this time around, especially infused with cocktails! They are simple but still encompass everything you wanted. Good luck with everything this round – you’re going to kick ROW booty, I know it! And THAT sloth…OMG.
    Lauren Garafalo recently posted..ROW80 Round 2 Goals – Ding!My Profile

  17. Good luck on your goals this round and I can’t wait for the party! I am so gonna rock out to some of my fave music from the 80s and 90s! 🙂 I think I’m going to have to let my students out early so I can get back for the tail end of it!
    Kat Morrisey recently posted..Jumping In To ROW80, Round 2My Profile

  18. Yeah! Party! Only wish we could party in person. Looking forward to it, although will probably be more towards the evening when I check in. Off to see if can dig up some pictures of those mini skirts and hip huggers. 🙂 Good luck with your goals this round.
    Robin McCormack recently posted..Row80 Round 2 – Edit challengedMy Profile

  19. Great goals, Lena, both writing and life. I’m actually trying to work out 4-5 times a week and cut my sugar intake, too. I recently calculated how much I take in a day and was shocked. Hope everything goes well for you 🙂
    Robin Simonds Fitch recently posted..ROW 80 Round 2My Profile

  20. Hey, great list of goals! I’m new to #ROW80 so I’m trying to post a lot of comments to people, to see if I can garner any tips!
    Emma Osment recently posted..#row80 goalsMy Profile

  21. My first comment went to the comment wasteland, so I’m trying again… our goals are very similar this Round, so I’m rooting for us both. Wishing you all the best for Round 2.

    I am so bummed to miss the ROW80 party, but I am travelling with the hubby and kids for Spring Break and don’t have much internet time. I’ll be with you in spirit. Have fun!
    Tia Bach recently posted..Corner of Crazy and Creative = C: Blogging from A to ZMy Profile

  22. Yum what cocktails, Lena. You really jazz up the party spirit. My favourite drink is a shot with 50/50 Bailey’s and Finnish salty licorice vodka.

    I’m joining ROW80 but I won’t be able to post my goals until tomorrow. I’m seriously tempted to join the Throwback Party. Everyone else’s posts have been so much fun.
    Reetta Raitanen recently posted..Link Feast Vol. 2My Profile

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